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"Thank you so much LA for a wonderful time. Just remember stay strong and I'm always with you," I scream into the mic.
I walk off the stage and walk into my dressing room. What a night. Way to finish my DEMI tour right back in LA. I look outside to see the stars were out.
"Hey Max I'm going to go outside and look at the sky for a little bit ok," I tell Max while putting on my leather jacket.
He nods his head not looking up from his phone. I walk outside and sit down on a bench. I look up at the sky and smile. I can make out the Big Dipper and the bear. It's really a sight.

My parents and I are in the car driving to a really fancy restaurant for my birthday. Im turning three today. I hold my teddy close to me as I look outside. The stars are out tonight.
"Hey Lucas can you please go outside and check to make sure the back door is closed," my dad asks me in the mirror.
I nod my head and unbuckle myself. They don't put me in a car seat because they say I don't need it. I open my door and hop out. I close my door and walk to the back of the car. It's closed. I walk back over to my door.
"NO ONE WANTS YOU. YOUR WORTHLESS AND A WASTE OF SPACE!" My mom and dad yell from their window. The car speeds off leaving me in the dust.

I'm looking up at the sky when I hear people yelling at someone.
I turn around my blood boiling. No one should be talking to anyone that way. I look at were the sound is coming from. I see a car drive off into the night. My jaw drops to the ground. They left their little boy here. I slowly get up and walk over to him. He's sitting on the ground tears pouring down his face. His tiny hands clench a teddy bear. He's dressed in really fancy clothes too.
"Hey there buddy are you ok? I couldn't help but over hear what happened," I calmly spoke kneeling down in front of him.

I fell to the ground crying. They never liked me. They always told me I was a mistake. I was unlovable for anyone. I was crying on the ground when a pretty lady walked over.
"Hey there buddy are you ok? I couldn't help but over hear what happened," she spoke.
Her voice was like a million angels singing. I kept crying. I just wanted someone to hold me and tell me they have me. I look up at her tears still running down my face. She had a sympathetic look on her face.
"Is it true?" I whispered my voice cracking.
"What's true honey?" She asked sitting down next to me.
"What they yelled at me," I whispered.
She didn't say anything. I looked up at her. There were tears in her eyes.
"No no angels don't cry. Stop crying pretty angel your going to mess up your    master piece," I smiled getting up and wiping her tears away with my tiny thumb.

I sat next to him tears falling down my face.  He though they left because what they said was true.
"No no angels don't cry. Stop crying pretty angel your going to mess up your master piece," he smiled getting up and wiping away my tears with his tiny thumb.
His parents must've been crazy to kick this cutie out of their lives. He was staring into my eyes searching for something. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"I guess I should go find a foster home now. Thank you for coming over and making sure I was ok. Have a good night Miss Demi Lovato," he waved turning around.
"Wait I never got your name, and you can't go looking around this late at night," I yelled processing what he just said. I walked over to him and crouched down in front of him.
"How about we go back to my place and in the morning we can sort this whole thing out," I explained to him.

I nod at Demi and smile. She smiles down at me and gets up. I really wanted to hold her hand but my "parents" always told me that was a sign of weakness. We walked back inside the big area. I looked up to see the ceiling so far up. I realized I never told Demi my name.
"Demi I never told you my name. It's Lucas if it matters to you," I yelled running over to Demi.
I didn't realize that she had stopped. I ran right into her. Oh gosh she's going to be mad at me. I slowly backed away shaking in fear.
"Lucas come here I'm not going to hurt you," Demi said realizing what I just did.
I slowly walked over and clenched my eyes shut waiting for her to hit me. A pair of fingers took my hand and wrapped it around there's. I opened my eyes to see Demi kneeling down in front of me.
"Lucas everything you says matters to me. Don't ever thing you don't matter because you do. I'm always here for you ok. I'm not going to be like your other parents either. I will never lay a finger on you and hurt you ok," she says looking into my eyes.

I look into his eyes wanting to know his story. I get up and wrap my hands around his. It looked so cute. We walked into my dressing room and sat down on my couch. Lucas just sat there awkwardly.  He looked so broken.
"Hey Lucas can I ask you some questions?" I asked him bringing my fuzzy chair over. He nodded his head and sat down on it.
"Ok first question how old are you?" I ask brushing some of his hair out of his face. He's in a major need of a haircut.
"I'm three years old," he says holding up four fingers.
I smile at him and put his pinky down.
Wait if he's three is he potty trained?
" Lucas are you well um... Potty trained?" I ask looking up at him.
Tears start to fall down his cheek. I'm guessing that's a no.
"I'm sorry, I'll leave now ," he sobs running off the chair. He runs over to the door and jumps up to get the door handle but misses. I run over to him and scoop him up in my arms. I rock him back in forth drawing circles on his back. I can feel my shirt get wet but that's ok. Once he's calmed down I sit back down on the couch with him on my lap. He stopped sobbing but tears still escape his face.

Demi picks me up and puts me on her lap. I stop crying out loud but tears still fall off my face. I hide my head into Demi's chest. I can hear her chuckling.
"It's ok Lucas. You don't have to be ashamed of it. Your only three years old ," she says into my ear.
I look up at her and wipe the tears away.  I really like her she makes everything seem like it's going to be ok. I sit up facing her. I take in all her features. Her beautiful eyes and her million dollar smile. She's like a painting that's alive.
"Let's go home Lucas what do you say," Demi asks me.
I nod my head and get off her lap. She gets up and grabs her purse. I walk next to her. She opens the door and walks out. She stops for a second to talk to someone. I can't hear because I'm so tired. Crying really drains you. I sit down on the ground and close my eyes.
I feel someone pick me up and put me on their hip. I open my eyes to see Demi holding me.
"Go back to sleep Lucas I got you," she whispers kissing my head.
I wasn't going to argue with her.

Lucas and I walked out of my dressing room and into the hall. I was stopped by Phil my manager.
"Hey Phil listen so I was outside looking at the sky when," I started to explain.
But he stopped me.
"I know Demi. Max saw the whole thing. Just make sure you call the police about filing a complaint. Have a good night," Phil laughed pointing to Max.
I turn around to see Max tip a imagined cowboy hat. He walks away leaving me alone. I look down to see Lucas sleeping on the ground. I pick him up and place him on my hip. He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"Go back to sleep Lucas I got you," I whisper into his ear kissing his head. We walk out of the area and into a black Taho.

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