Chapter 19 - What To Do Now?

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Ross's Pov: I sat there trying to reread the letter for any clues but it was hopeless. How could I let this happen to Laura? Was this actually the last time I would have ever seen her? Stop it! Snap out of it Ross! You have to think positive I said to myself. If I keep trying I know I will find Laura. Then the door bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I got up and answered the door. Riker and the whole family came. I pulled Riker to the side. We spoke in a low voice so the family does t hear our conversation. " Why did you bring the whole family?" I asked him in an annoyed tone." I told them I was going out and then they asked me why I was going out this late. Then they caught me in my lie and I had to tell them. I told them to stay at home but they wouldn't listen" Riker says explaining everything to me. " You know I don't want them to get hurt" I say trying to slap some common sense into my brother. " Yes, I know but they won't take no for an answer" He says back. " Fine lets just focus on finding Laura right now" I say as we both walk back to the family. " How did this happen? Why would they take Laura? Where could she be? everyone starts flooding me with a ton of questions. " Ok enough" I say. " First of all I don't know where Laura is or I wouldn't ask for your help" I say." Ok so where is that letter that you were talking about Ross?" My dad asks me. " Here the letter indicates who the kidnapper is but I don't know how it will help us find Laura" I say handing the letter to my dad. " Oh wait! Back before you guys were together Laura had talked about Kyle and told me she had love letters sent from Kyle almost everyday and that's how she found out he was addicted to her" Rydel says. " How is that going to help Rydel?" I ask her annoyed. " If we find those love letters we will be able to find out where he lives" Rydel says. "Everyone start searching the house for any letters" I say. We all break apart and I head into Laura's bedroom upstairs. I opened drawers, looked under her bed and even her desk but I couldn't find any evidence of letters anywhere. Then I looked up at the ceiling and then at the bookshelf that Laura had.Up on the top of the bookshelf were some dusty papers that looked like they haven't been touched for months. I quickly ran there and grabbed the papers. They were the letters. Laura is very clever and decided to hide them up there. I began scanning the papers to look for an address. Laura was right this Kyle was very addicted to her. Every letter was written a day after the other. This Kyle guy must be old fashioned because we don't write letters anymore we text! Then I saw Rydel peeking through the door. " Find anything yet?" She asked walking up to me. " Yeah I found the letters hidden on top of her book shelf" I say handing the letters to Rydel." Why did he send letters to Laura?" I ask her curious. " Well Laura told me he was into old fashioned things and he thought it was more romantic to write her a love letter" She says chuckling. " Ok so this must be the address to his house" she says pointing to the numbers. " Forty two Whitehouse road?" I ask Rydel. " Yeah that's here in California but its downtown" Rydel says as we head downstairs to tell everyone else. " Ok so we found the address to this maniacs house " I say. " We're going to go there he must have Laura held captive there" Rydel says. " No Rydel I want you to stay home with mom and dad" I say." It's better for you two stay here honey" my mom says. " Fine , but please call me a soon as you find her" Rydel says with tears in her eyes. I know that she loves Laura like a sister. " Don't worry Rydel Ill call once we find her" I say trying to calm my sister down. "We're coming with you "Rocky and Riker say. " Fine"I say as we head out to the car. We drove Our parents and Rydel home and get back I to the car. " So where do you think he has Laura? Riker asks. " Well we are going to downtown Hollywood to Whitehouse Road"I say. " So next stop is whitehouse Road" Rocky says and we drive away.

Laura's Pov: I woke up and I had a major headache. I tilted my head up to see that I was in a room with many boxes stacked on top of each other. I tried to move my head to the side and I saw that I was tied, arms and legs, to a bed. I tried to break free but I couldn't. It was also hard to breath because my mouth was duck taped shut. A tear trickled down my face and I tried moving around to break free but the knots were too strong to break. Then I heard footsteps coming towards the door. One by one .My heart started beating faster as I heard the footsteps come closer and closer. Then I saw the door knob turn and my eyes widened in shock as I saw who it was. He walked up to me and bent down looking at my face. " Aw precious Laura can't go anywhere now can she? He said in his deep voice. I had my head face down because I didn't even want to look at his face. " Look at me when Im talking to you! " He shouted.I immediately looked up." Good that's better" he said chuckling . He ripped off the duck tape across my face making me wince in pain. Another tear trickled down my face. " Your a maniac now let me go!"I shout. He covers up my mouth with his hand. " If you scream one more time you won't like your surprise " said letting go of my mouth. " Help someone! I need help!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. " Told you not to do that" he said. He gave me a hard slap across the face and everything blacked out.

A/N: What did you think of the chapter? Will Ross find Laura? Stay tuned for the next chapter!! - Rauralover4ever:)

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