Chapter 22: Something Unexpected!!

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Ross's Pov: The ride back home was silent.I kept Laura close to me trying to keep her warm.The blanket slipped off her shoulder a little and I can see her shiver.She gets closer to me and wraps her arms around my waist trying to get warmer.She ducked her head under my chin and I can smell her strawberry scented shampoo. Something I longed to smell again. I wrap the blanket tightly around her making sure she wasn't cold anymore. Her eyes seemed to give up on her. She shut them and fell a sleep on me instantly. On our way home we dropped off Laura at her house. My brothers stayed in the car as I took Laura into her house. Right away her mom came running up to her and gave her a big hug." I was so worried" she says hugging Laura. " Where's dad?" She asks her mom." Your dad's still at work honey but I told him I'd call if Ross found you" she says." Laura's mom turns to me and whispers " Thank you". " No problem" I whisper back. I take Laura up to her room and she gets into her PJs. She gets out of the bathroom and sits by me on the bed. " Are you sure you don't want me to stay over?" I ask her. " No Ill be fine Ross" she says as she places her delicate hand on my face rubbing my cheek. I feel my phone vibrate and I take it out of my pocket. It read " Hurry up we're waiting". I place my phone on Laura's bedside table. " Well I got to go my brothers are annoying me"I say.I give Laura a hug and a quick kiss then leave her house. I get into the car and we drive home. Once we got home I took a quick hot shower and went to bed thinking about this crazy day.

------------- in the morning -----------

Laura's Pov: I woke up confused. Then I remembered yesterday. Ross saving me and bringing me home. I felt a lot better today. I got out of bed and pushed open my bedroom curtains bringing in some daylight. I heard my phone buzz and I approached my my bedside table. I saw Ross's phone sitting there. He must have forgot it here last night. He probably noticed and will come pic it up later. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and scrolled through my messages to find one new message. I figured it might have been Ross but it wasnt. It took me by surprise that it was Cody Christian. We have been close friends since we filmed the Austin and Ally episode. I glanced at the text message. " Hey I just found out you were kidnapped" It read. I texted back " yeah how did u know?" " He texted back " You're mom told me are you okay". " Yeah I'm fine" I texted back."Great cuz look out your window" he texted me. I rushed to the window and pulled the curtains to the side and saw Cody standing outside my driveway. I ran down stairs calling for my mom. " Mom!!" I yelled. I ran into the kitchen. I spotted a yellow post it note on the refrigerator and read it. " Went grocery shopping be back in 30!" it read. I laughed for a moment then ran to the door and answered it. Cody stood at the front of the doorstep. " Come in" I say . He comes in and I leave the front door open just incase my mom comes home. " We'll aren't you going to have a seat?" I laugh at him standing up." Oh yeah" he says having a seat. " Nice outfit" he says looking at my pink PJ's with bunny slippers. " Thanks" I say chuckling at his comment. " So how did you get kidnapped?" He asked sounding serious. " Long story" I say. Cody sits closer to me and we start talking about random things.

Ross's Pov: I wake up by the sound of my alarm clock. I lean to the right of my bed and press the " snooze" button. I lay on my bed for a couple of minutes being lazy. I was too tired and my knuckles felt sore from the punching I did yesterday. I forced myself to get up and I immediately hit the shower thinking a nice cold shower would wake me up. I stepped out of the bathroom still not fully awake. I slip on a t - shirt with some sweats and fall on my bed shutting my eyes. Without even looking I reach to my bedside table for my phone. I couldn't feel it so I turn around to find that my phone wasnt there. Then I remembered I had taken it out last night at Laura's. How could I have been so irresponsible? I got out of bed and slipped on my converse. I grabbed my car keys and headed downstairs. " Where are you going honey?" My mom asks. " To Laura's. Be back in a few" I say as I shut the door behind me. I get into my car and drive to Laura's. I walk up to her door about to knock when the door is open. I look in to see her and Cody sitting together. Wait a minute! I take another glance at them to see Laura and Cody kissing!!

A/N: Another cliffhanger!! What did you think!!! Sorry that I haven't updated for a couple of days:( I had writers block again. Anyways Ill try to have the next chapter up tomorrow!! So keep your eyes open!!- Rauralover4ever:)

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