Part 1: Bank Robbery

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Anya walked down the road to the local bank to deposit a check she got from her mom, on her way there she accidentally bumped into a very attractive Italian. He turned to face Anya, smirking and kissing her hand before saying in his thick Italian accent.

"Excuse me, bella~"

He let go of Anya's hand and left her, leaving her flustered. Anya snapped back into reality and walked to the bank, waiting patiently in line. Before she could grab her wallet, the doors to the bank flew open, the same Italian from before walked in, a couple other men with him, wearing black suits and fedoras. The Italian had a pistol in his hand aiming somewhere in the bank. He spots Anya out of the corner of his eye and smirks.

"Stick 'um up, this is a robbery"

Anya flinched and dropped to the ground, her purse falling from her arm and her wallet sliding towards the Italian's foot. Anya mumbles "my wallet" and reaches out to grab the wallet. The Italian sets his foot on Anya's wallet, setting the barrel of the gun on her head.

"Don't. Move."

He crouches down, the barrel slipping underneath her chin, lifting her head up, forcing her to look at him.

"Your quite dull looking, but very cute~"

Anya's hand started to tremble, the though of him shooting her flew around in her head. She was speechless. The Italian laughs and stands up, removing the barrel from her chin and grabbing Anya's wallet, tucking it into his pocket. He then goes over to help his buddies with the money when the alarm went off. A person had their hand on the alarm. The Italian glares at the person and shouts at them. 

"You little piece of shit!"

The Italian then aims his gun at the person, shooting the person in the head. He then yells at his men to escape with the money. The Italian jogged over to the door, checking if he missed anything and spots Anya on the ground. He smiles maliciously and quickly walks over to Anya, grabbing her arm.

"Come with me."


Anya stands up, the grip on her arm was a little tight, as she stood up her purse fell to the ground. The Italian pulls her away from it, towards the doors outside.

"Leave it."

He pulls Anya into a black fancy car. The other men raced off with the money in a white van. He sat in the back, Anya sitting next to him ordering the driver to do something in Italian, (of course Anya couldn't understand it she's Russian!) he then took out a cigar out and smoked it, taping the ash out the window. Anya played with her hands, not knowing what to say. The Italian puffed out a cloud of smoke and tapped some ash out the window.

"What's your name, girl?"

Anya looks over at him.

"Hm...? Oh, it's Anya."

She looks back down at her fingers.

 "Hm.. you can call me Romano. We're heading to my house, there you will be held captive until I feel like letting you go. I hope you don't have any appointments this month."

Romano smirks at Anya, she jumps. 

"C-Captive!? I-I..."

She sighs.

"I'll be fine with that..."

"Hmm..." Romano chuckles. "Good."

Kidnapped! By The Mafia!? (Hetalia Mafia!Romano X Fem!Russia)Where stories live. Discover now