Losing Lorelei ~ Knocking Some Sense Into You

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   The next day, Lorelei woke up in bed. Alone. She felt a lot better than last night, or what she remembered she felt like last night.

   She was in the same clothes, or lack of, but had pyjama bottoms on instead of just her underwear and she was tucked in bed and Lorelei had the strange odd feeling that someone had put her there rather than going there herself. Most things from last night seemed like a blur.

   Slowly, and careful not to move her throbbing head too much. Lorelei stood up and stretched her arms up. Her head felt heavy, so much so that it might roll off her neck and crash to the floor.

   Looking at herself in the unavoidable mirror opposite her bed, Lorelei scrunched up her nose at how awful she looked.

   Her hair was a mess, lipstick smeared across her face, mascara down her cheeks and a huge bruise was forming in a purple lump on her forehead.

   Before Lorelei went downstairs, she had a shower, washed off all her makeup and de-matted her knotty hair.

   After that, she got dressed into a pair of shorts and a long sleeved top, then she pulled her wet hair up, and went downstairs.

   Until Lorelei saw the clock on the cooker, she didn’t realise that it was ten minutes until midday. She trudged down the stairs and saw all the boys sitting around the breakfast table looking bored with mugs in hand.

   Lorelei stepped into the room and quietly picked up a glass and filled it with water from the tap, she gulped it down thirstily before slamming the glass on the counter and gasping for air. At the noise all their heads snapped towards her.

   “Lorelei,” Liam said with an exhausted sounding sigh, “What happened last night?”

   “Nothing,” Lorelei shrugged, “Thanks to you.”

   “Are we really going to go there?” Liam asked rubbing his forehead with one of his hands.

   “I don’t know,” Lorelei shrugged, “Depends if you want to…” Liam huffed and Lorelei heard the scraping of a chair.

   “That’s it,” A voice growled, “I can’t stand this anymore.”

   “Zayn…” Harry warned, “Zayn. No!”

   But it was too late. Zayn had already grabbed Lorelei by the collar of her top and slammed her back into the wall. She clenched her jaw to stop her from crying out in pain as she smacked her already pained head against the inner side wall.

   Lorelei looked up to meet Zayn’s eyes. They were dark, really dark and fierce. Lorelei was panting, gasping if you like, for well needed air.

   “Now you listen to me…” He growled staring straight into her eyes trying to get through her icy exterior to the inside that he knew wasn’t all that horrible.

   “Zayn!” The boys were shouting at him now getting up from the table to stop him from perhaps accidentally killing her, now that would be a real story for the gossip magazines. Zayn Malik Kills Fellow Band-mates Secret Twin Sister.

   “You need to get back into the real world and snap out of it! Whatever this is…You just need to stop! Now!” Zayn still held Lorelei’s collar, almost even tightening his grip, “Do you understand?”

   “Get off me!” Lorelei cried out, her voice came out strained, her air supply was slowly decreasing and her speech made her sound like an old woman, or someone suffering with tonsillitis or a bad cold.

   “I said,” Zayn shoved her harder and Lorelei hit her head again, “Do you understand?!”

   “Zayn stop…” Niall murmured, from behind Zayn, Lorelei could see his sympathetic eyes but ignored them. She didn’t want people feeling sorry for her. Ever.

   “No.” Zayn hissed glancing around behind him, “She needs to see what she’s done. You’ve all seen Liam, how hurt he is. And it’s all her fault. It’s not fair. She can’t just come back here and threaten to tear this band apart. I-We’ve worked too damn hard for it just to have it taken away by some immature little girl…”

   That was enough. They all knew it. Even Zayn knew, that by the look on Lorelei’s face, he’d drilled as far in as he could before she popped and turned into a pile of crumbling goo.

   They were all stunned to silence, Lorelei watched as the colour drained from Zayns’ face, he looked like he’d seen a ghost. He dropped his hands from her collar to his sides, rubbed one rough hand through his unmade-up hair and walked silently out of the room.

   “Are you alright?” Niall asked softly.

   Lorelei rubbed the two sore spots on her neck, “Absolutely fine.” She moved away but stumbled a little, Louis gripped her shoulder and Lorelei regained her balance before shaking Louis off of her. He scowled and crossed his arms like a grumpy child.

   “Lorelei,” Liam breathed, “I still want to talk about this…Lorelei, are you sure you’re alright?” Lorelei didn’t reply, instead she slipped over to the sink like Bambi on ice and poured herself another glass of water, her hands wouldn’t stop shaking, Zayn had scared her. And they all knew it despite her sober face.

   She gulped down the water to soothe her dry, desert crisp throat and rubbed her hands on her face. She didn’t know if she could do this anymore. She needed air.

   “I’ll be back.” She murmured before setting off through the house, outside, and to the nearby sands.

   Lorelei didn’t venture too far, just to a small patch of sand hidden by a few reeds and she collapsed down onto her back.

   The sea was rough today, rocking back and forth at a fast pace. It was an odd colour too, not the blue that she was used to seeing, but a darker sullen grey.

   Lorelei flicked her eyes up to the sky, it was cloudy. Dark. With no sun peeking through the gaps at all.

   Lorelei thought long and hard about what Zayn had said. Was she really being a child? An immature child?

   Did her parents even miss her? She knew that they hadn’t called to check up on since she’d been away from home.

   And what about Kane? He’d cheated on her and she’d been away less than five days. That was unless he’d been cheating whilst she was there, but then again, dating someone like him, Lorelei should’ve expected that.

   But then there was Liam…Could she really trust him again? Because she did before and he completely annihilated that.

   What if he did it again? She might not pick herself up this time…

   With all these thoughts swimming around inside her head, Lorelei didn’t feel the first drop of rain fall from the sky. It hit her cheek and trickled down her neck before resting on her chest.

   But then another droplet fell, and another fell until the sky cracked open. Thunder roared and the lightening crashed.

   Lorelei didn’t move. The heavens opened up and storms lit up the sky. Lorelei didn’t move still. Instead, she felt her eyes start to close and she drifted off to a much more peaceful universe.

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