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Here we go...

"You may be my other half but that's not the only reason I love you. Your you. I love you because your you. Although my original fairy tale didn't come true, it does have a happy ending. I have it with you and our future kids and grand kids. I love you with all my heart." I said looking up into his beautiful hazel eyes.

(Don't know how this goes so let's skip whatever's next.)

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

He grabbed me and twirled me around before bending my back over his arm and leaning down to kiss me. Now that was one fairy tale kiss.

He pulled me back up and I laughed resting my forehead against his as cheers erupted around us. He picked my up bridal style and ran back down the aisle I walked down to get to him making me throw my head back and laugh.

That's how I found myself naked laying on Wes's chest all sweaty. We just had some pretty amazing sex for about 4 hours. 

"I wouldn't mind doing that everyday." He said smirking.

"Not everyday. I think you killed my vagina." I said laughing. He started laughing with me and these memories are the ones I cherished. 








"I'm gonna kick your ass Wes!" I yelled at him.

"Nope I gonna murder you before you get a chance!" He yelled back.

I growled angrily and kept my eyes in a glare.

"That's not a pretty face now is it darling." He said sarcastically.

"Oh shut the fuck up you mother fucker! Your just a cheater!" I yelled. 

"Your just jealous I'm good at keeping it a secret. Your not so secretive!"

"Oh shut the hell up you never know when I cheat! I'm so much better than your ugly ass."

He scoffed. "You love my ass."

"I hate your ass. Why can't you just let me cheat once."

"Cause you suck."

"I'm a newbie at Call of Duty Wes." I said still looking at the screen.

(Did I get anybody?)

We were stuck in an intense game of call of duty and Wes was a little screen peeker. I was too and he always caught me I barely caught him.

"This commando sucks booty." I said groaning.

"I love the commando on you baby." he said I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Shut up Wes." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Oh are you commando now." The game was now forgotten and his hand trailed from my shoulder to in between my breasts, down my stomach and into my pants.

"Hmmm. Panties but ohh. Lacy. My favorite." He said before smashing his lips to mine. I tossed the control behind me and kissing back. 

This time I was on his chest laying on the couch. I was sweaty and panting because it was really intense. 

I was pretty comfortable though...that is until I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I got up ran to the bathroom and threw up my lunch in the toilet while Wes held my hair back and rubbed my back as I continued to puke until there was nothing left.

Wes dug through the cabinets and pulled out a pregnancy test box. I had used it before but it was a false alarm and there were 4 more left out of the 5 pack. 

He handed me one and left the bathroom. I cleaned up my face before peeing on the stick. Once I washed my hands I opened the door and me and Wes sat on the floor waiting. I was in his lap of course.

He had sweats on and I had his t-shirt on. When the timer went off I shot up and looked at the test. I screamed and jumped on Wes since he was standing. My leg's were around his waist and one arm around his neck. 

I showed him the test and he brought me in for a kiss. We hadn't purposely been trying but we weren't using protection either so we were kinda expecting this at one point. 

"I'll take you to the doctors tomorrow but we have to get to bed it's already 11." I nodded still smiling and threw the test away and put the box away. 

We went upstairs and cuddled. I was excited for tomorrow.








"Okay your 5 weeks along." She said smiling at us. "Congratulations Alpha and Luna."

"Thank you." I said giving her a hug before running out with Wes. We have been married for about 6 months now and I was now 21 and Wes was now 24. I was pretty young to be pregnant but werewolves usually would have kids at like 18. I mean you do meet when your 18 so it's normal. It would still count as normal for human's too.

I couldn't wait to see my baby boy or baby girl.







A big cry was heard and the pain from my vagina was now gone and my little boy was finally here. Tyson Alex Withers.

"I already see him as a strong leader like you." I said looking up at Wes to see him looking down at Tyson with pure amazement. 

"Can I hold him?" He asked me looking up at me with...wet...eyes. Oh my god he's got tears in his eyes. I handed Tyson over to him and Tyson latched onto his finger and gave a small smile looking into Wes's hazel eyes with his green ones just like mine.

I had finally got my happy ending.

I would never let them go.


Lot's of skipping a little short.

It's how I wanted it to be so I hope you like it.

Only the epilogue :*(

I am seriously gonna miss this one.

I gonna miss this series when it's over oh my god.

Peace homies.

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