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It's all my fault...

That's all I could think. I guess my emotions woke up Wes cause he cracked open his eyes and stared at me before sitting up.

"Another one?" He asked pulling me in his arms. Well he tried to. I shot up from the bed and went up to the window.

I let out a sob before saying, "It's all my fault. It's my fault my mom's dead and it's my fault my dad could die." I said with tears running down my face.

Wes wrapped his arm's around my stomach and rested his chin on top of my head. "Shh. It's not your fault."

"Yes it is. I ran into the woods and kept running when they told me to stop. I ran into the rogue. I got my mother killed and I put my dad in his coma." I said putting my hands over Wes's and leaning forwards to sob.

Wes turned me around and picked me up bridal style. He walked over to the bed and sat on it kissing my forehead. He moved me so I was straddling him.

I wrapped my arm's around his neck and cried while he wrapped his arm's around my waist and rubbed my back. 

"Carson you were just a kid. It wasn't your fault. Just hope for the best and it might just happen. You didn't go through all that pain just to get more. The moon goddess can't be that cruel."

I just cried till I fell back asleep. I didn't know what would happen while I was sleeping. I wasn't ready for it and neither was anybody else.

<Wes's POV>

When I woke up Carson was still sleeping on my chest. I kissed her forehead letting her sleep in and got up. I went downstairs following the smell of food and walked into the kitchen. 

It was Chloe who was making food. "Should I call you aunt Chloe too?" I asked her. She turned around and laughed. 

"Well I guess you are family so I'm pretty sure." She said before going back to breakfast when she stopped and dropped a plate.  "Oh no it's my dad." She said before running out of the kitchen yelling one last thing. "Go get Carson!" 

I ran up the stairs and shook Carson. But she still slept. "Carson..." I said slowly. I shakily put my finger's to her pulse and it was very weak. "No no no Carson please wake up!" I yelled shaking her again. 

When she wouldn't budge I scooped her up in my arm's and ran to the hospital. Everybody would already be there. 

Why won't she wake up....Everybody was waiting outside of Zander's room when I came running to them with a limp Carson in my arm's.

Her arm was hanging and I didn't notice till now she was pale. How could I not notice. All of their eyes went wide and we set her on the bed in the hallway and a doctor came running down the hallway probably mind-linked about this.

"What happened?" He asked me. 

"I was gonna let her sleep in so I went downstairs then we were called here and I went to go wake up Carson since when I woke up she was sleeping still. She wouldn't wake up and her pulse is really weak." I said grabbing my hair in my hands. 

The doctor hooked her up to the machines and her pulse was now on over drive. It was beeping really fast. "I seen this before. Someone poisoned her." he said before bringing her in the same room as Zander. 

We all followed and the doctors stopped what they were doing with Zander since he was fine now. They looked confused but left anyways. Except for the main doctor of them of course.

"Good news. He should wake up in about an hour or two. He's okay now but we had to put him under again from the pain of his mate gone." 

We all nodded and I sat next to Carson and held her hand while the doctor spoke. "This poison can only be produced by warlocks and witches....First we have to find the puncture wound but her heart needs to stay steady first. If it doesn't steady, we can't find the puncture. And if we can't find that she'll stay asleep...or she'll die since she's so small..."He said before leaving.

I let the tears fall onto Carson's hand as I sat there looking at her face.

She had to make it. Her heart had to steady. She deserved a happy ending with me.

<Carson's POV>

I woke up in that same place in the woods. But this time my parents were there laughing. A little girl was skipping around in front of them laughing with them. 

I stood up rubbing my lower back. It hurt like heck. The little girl stopped laughing and skipped towards me. I looked at my parents who had also stopped laughing and they were looking at us in confusion.

I looked down at the little version of me and she grabbed my hand. Once she did she started disappearing. Then she was gone. I looked back up at them and my mom looked scared but my dad was angry.

"What did you do to my daughter!?" He yelled getting up and storming up to me. I ignored what he said and stared into his eyes. I got his eyes...

"Daddy." I whispered staring up into his eyes. That's when he took in my appearance. My mom came running up to me and wrapped her arm's around me. 

"Your still alive. Oh my baby girl thank god you didn't die." She said backing away to stand next to my dad.

"Why won't you wake up?" I asked him.

"I don't want to leave your mother. I thought you were dead...So I wanted to be with my family."

"Mom? Don't you remember talking to me?" I said turning to her.

That's when her whole demeanor changed.  She was the women I met in my dreams before the memories. 

"Save him." She said before looking up at dad. "You have to wake up Zander. We have family down there and your daughter's down there too. I'll always be with you in your heart but you have to stay alive for Carson."

Dad brought my mom in a hug and I knew a couple tears fell. They kissed and I smiled. "But why am I here?" I asked.

My dad looked confused but my mom knew. "The rogues. They got help from a coven. They poisoned you and it went in through your lower back. You can't go back yet but Zander. You can tell them where the puncture wound is. I help steady her heart."

He hugged us before closing his eyes and then he was gone. I turned to my mom. "Come. I'll tell you stories so your calm."

<Zander's POV>

I opened my eyes and it took a while for them to adjust but when they did I turned my head to see my daughter. She was sleeping and her heart rate was spiking up before going down and spiking up again. 

I sat up letting my head take a moment before standing up and walking to my daughter with help of the poll thing with a heart beat on it. Oh yeah....It's mine. I sat in the chair and took her hand in mine and that's when her heart rate was steady. I turned her over grabbing her other hand so it would stay steady and I pressed a button on the wall. 

Then they all came running in...

Man did they do a double take.


Yay yeet another chapter and Zander's awake :)

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