A/N: Hello everyone I'm Bannergirl1218! I am a huge fan of The Avengers, but no one more than Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. This is a collection of One-shots, requests, songfics, Text conversations, and maybe preferences for Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffal...
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So far away (Bruce Banner X Reader) Song Used: Far Away Artist: Nickle-back
This time, this place Misused, Misplaced Too long, too late who was I to make you wait?
You opened your eyes only to see a familiar, giant, green chest cradling your smaller form as he leapt through the air like a giant toad. "D-Doctor Banner?" You asked groggily causing the Hulk to look down at you, a gentle look in his forest green eyes. The creature pulled you flush against him as he landed hard on the deck of the Hellicarrier. Like a prince who was trying not to jostle a sleeping princess he placed you on the ground. Before you could call out to him the creature was gone, leaping towards the rouge Quin-jet that was piloted by none other than Ultron himself. This would be the last moment you remembered laying your eyes on Doctor Bruce Banner, Your crush and your best friend.
You were an Avenger. Apart of the team of earth's mightiest heroes because of Tony and Bruce. The two men had rescued you after AIM had captured you for their human research project. You had been told that you had been subjected to a serum that gave you this ability to glow in the dark and bend matter. Lost and afraid Tony had given you a home in the tower and gave you a job as his assistant while Bruce helped you cope through some of the trauma that you had suffered. You remembered all the fun that the three of you had together and you remembered all the fun you had been able to experience with the whole team. Watching Tony try to out drink Steve, teaching Thor how to cook real food *besides Pop-tarts*, playing Mario-cart with Natasha and Clint, going on morning runs with Steve, and your favorite way to end the day; stargazing with Bruce. The Avengers were your family, but after this incident it seemed like everyone yet again went their separate ways. Tony went back to New York, Thor was probably in Asgard, and Clint went home to his family. Of course you still had Steve and Nat to hang around with, along with a whole new team of friends to count on to save the world. All of this still didn't stop you from wondering... from waiting on him. You wished in your heart each day as you walked into the training room that you would run into Bruce walking down the hallway. Sadly this was just a wish and a longing. Bruce Banner was who knows where...probably in some foreign land like where Natasha found him the first time. "Good luck in finding him kid. He's like a magician he'll appear in one place but then blend in so well that he disappears" You remember Agent Carson tell you as you talked with her about your feelings. You hated talking to her, she never made you feel any better.
Just one chance just one breath just in case there's just one left 'cause you know, you know you know, you know
The sky was dreary and the clouds gathered around wanting to let out their tears of sorrow. The city was less populated on days like this which was why the man dressed in a dark cloak was able to travel so easily towards the small hut on the edge of the village. The man's visage had not changed since he had started out this morning, for he felt a pang deep within his heart that would not go away. The man walked up to a door and slowly opened it with a creak.