Chapter 1~New Beginnings

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Melody's P.O.V

Have you ever thought of the idea of time travel? You know what I mean; you can go back in time, and change anything in your past.

There are so many times when I wish I could time travel. Take 5 days ago for example. I left my hometown and ran away because of my past everyday I just think, what if I didn't fall for him? What would have happened then?

In life, you have to make choices. Choices that are for the better, or worst. Unfortunately, a lot of those descions can lead you to do good or bad choices.

For example a week ago, someone killed themselves because they got a divorce. I mean, that's because of their past. I'm sure, before they stabbed them self, they reflected on their life. And I'm sure they wished they could have changed something from it.

It's just something we have to do. It's just like when high school students have to choose their universities. It's a big descion, especially if you get accepted in your top 2 or 3.

But every descion we make affects our lives. So what if you were able to go back and change your past? It would be pretty cool to have everything go your way. However, the outcome in the future could be terrifying. For example, if World War 2 didn't happen, Hitler would have probably ruled longer than he was suppose to, that would be bad.

All in all, many things change in life. If you had the power to change the past, would you take it? I definitely would. No doubt about it. Don't get be wrong, I would be sort of worried about the future, but I'm sure it would be fine.

What would I change you may ask? Well, first thing I would change is my 5 year crush on this guy named Jackson, aka my twin brother's best friend. Next thing I would change, my best friends. Christy and Laura were terrible friends. I hate them. If I could go back, I would ditch them and find better friends like my other best friend Ella. Then I would change my feelings for this guy named Justin. I hate him with all my heart. If I ever see him again, it'll be to soon.

Lets just say, I've had a bad past. But now, I'm here in Vegas. I've left San Francisco, and every person who did wrong to me there. For the next 8 months, I'll be living with my dad in Vegas with my real friends; Tristan and Lucy, my best friends.

I'm starting school today and I can't wait to see everyone and regain my "Queen" title. That's what they think of me. Their Queen. I don't mind it, I actually like it, but I sort of feel bad that they do so much for me and they refuse for me to pay them back. And no one at Lincoln Lexford Fort May high school will tell me why they treat me as their Queen. They said I know and I just don't realize it yet. It frustrates me.

"M?" Tristan yells.

"Coming T!" I scream.

I run downstairs and see Tristan and Lucy eating breakfast. I sit down at my seat and dig into my bacon and eggs. Yum.

"Ok honey, have a good first day. Paul will take all three of you to school okay?" My dad says. We all nod and he leaves for work.

"So, M, you ready?" Lucy asks. I nod.

Tristan is 6 ft tall. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and is built. He is also good looking, but gay. Sorry ladies. He enjoys all sports. He's a sport freak. He was currently wearing some jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

Lucy is 5'8. She's pretty tall compared to me being 5'4. She has long blonde hair, and blue/green eyes. She is beautiful. She loves reading, writing, poetry, English in general. Currently, she was wearing a black, tank, crop top, and ripped jeans with black high heel boots, a black purse, a black baseball cap and sunglasses. She had her hair out and straighten.

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