Chapter 23~Simple days at the hospital

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Melody's P.O.V

"Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell," Mr. Mois says.

No shit sherlock! I learned that in it grade! I thought to myself.

It was almost the end of the day and I couldn't wait. This day has been a bad one from the start. First, I fell off my bed and hit my head really bad. Second, my alarm broke and so I couldn't take a shower in time. And now, I'm re-learning things. Not to mention the fact that Lucy isn't here. I asked Cody and he said he didn't know where she was; he almost looked relieved.

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat and ran out the door. I ran to my locker to get my things for PE and I rushed to the gym.

"Alright everyone. Since you all looked to beat up to do anything, this is a free period," our PE teacher says.

Everyone cheered and headed off to do their own thing. The boys PE class were also here so I decided to look for the jerks. I walked around and asked some students, but they didn't know where they were; so I assumed they ditched.

"Whatever," I sigh.

I ended up talking to Felisha and Zoe. They updated me one everything, including the whereabouts of the boys.

"They went to the club near here," Zoe concluds.

"Oh," I say.

"Well do you know where Lucy is?" I ask.

"Yeah, last I heard she was at the hospital with Zayn," Felisha says.

"Oh," I say again.

"According to my sources," Zoe starts, "she left about two hours, and no one knows where."

I was slightly worried to say the least. Lucy was never one to not tell someone where she was going. And she was never quite good at directions either. She was terrible at following directions, maps, and GPS's.

"Oh god I hope she's okay," I say.

"Call her," Zoe says.

"What if she's driving?" I ask.

"Who cares! Just call," Zoe urges.

I sigh and take out my phone. I dial Lucy's number and put the phone to my ear. After 4 rings, it goes to voicemail.

"No answer," I sigh.

"I'm sure she's fine," Felisha reassures me.

"I hope so," I sigh.

The bell rang and I went to the hospital to visit Zayn. When I got to his room I almost started to cry.

He was much more pale; almost white. He used to be tanner. There was no colour to his cheeks and his fingernails were disgusting.

"Oh Zayn," I sigh.

I walked over to him and held his hand.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but you look terrible. I'm so sorry. I hate that this happened to you. You should be here, at school, with me, Tristan, Lucy and Alex. You should be jumping for joy because you turned out to be team captain; after your injuries. You should be getting scholarships to big universities. You shouldn't be in a hospital," I whisper with tears streaming down my face.

"No matter what I say, I don't want you to go. I don't want you to leave me. I can't deal with that. But if it puts you out of your misery, then I suppose it's okay. But I don't want you to go." I finish.

I kissed his cheek and left to go find the doctor. Once I did, I explained Zayn's physical state.

"We have seen his recent state, but there is nothing we can do unless he wakes up," he says.

"You mean when he gets up," I say.

"Ms. Peers, you have to understand-" but I cut him off.

"No, he will. And when he does I will say I told you so. Until then, keep working on him okay?" I say firmly.

He sighs and nods. I left the hospital after our small discussion. When I got home I ate dinner with my family and went upstairs. I looked out my window and Adam's car was in the driveway. Then, I looked across and saw Justin's lights were off.

"That's odd," I mumble. He never went to bed early. And it was only 7.

"He's not home," I sigh.

I have to tell him how I feel. I can't not tell him. He deserves to know. I went and took a long bath. I used my Lush bath bombs and soaked in the water for about an hour and half. Once I was done, I took a long shower and got dressed.

I felt very tired and I was ready to go to bed even though it was only 9. I grabbed The Fault In Our Stars book and sat at my window. I read for a little while until my eyes drifted to Justin's window. He still wasn't home. I sighed once more and put the book away.

I turned off my lights and climbed into my covers. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber.


Authors Note

Hey guys! Okay I know the book is boring. But trust me, it's going to get better. So I've decided that this book will for sure be 25 chapters. Only 2 chapters to go. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! And the rest of the book will be in Melody's P.O.V. Alright that's all. Byeeee.


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