Chapter 24~Downhill

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"Sure I can," I smile at my biology teacher. I got out of my chair and headed into the hall to get the janitor. I can't believe Adam did that! I mean how stupid can he get?

I'm sure you may be confused. Lets start from this morning shall we?

Earlier that day

"NO!" I whined.

"You have to go to school Mel," my father scolded.

"Can't I just skip?" I asked pulling the covers over my head a little more to block the sun.

"No!" My father said sternly and ripped the covers off of me. He took them along with him as he strolled out of my room and into the hallway; closing the door behind him.

"Fuck you," I mumbled.

I got out of bed and stretched out my sore limbs. I walked to my closet and picked out a shirt that said But First Coffee and some black leggings. I did my usual makeup routine and pulled my hair into a ponytail. Once I was done I put some converse on, and left the room. No need to impress anyone today.

I jogged downstairs and ate the Nutella and bread that was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Hallelujah!" I sang.

I finished up my breakfast and went outside where my car was waiting for me. Thank god it was fixed. I got in and drove to school.

When I got there, the first bell rung for first period. I sprinted all the way to Mr. Williams class and made it just in time.

"That was cutting it close Melody," he said as I walked in.

"Sorry," I mumbled and headed to my seat.

He started the lesson just as I sat down; that's when I realized, I forgot my books in my locker.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that Ms. Peers?" Mr. W asked.

Right as I was about to speak, Zoe came out of the roof and handed me my books.

"Thanks Zoe," I said with a sigh of relief.

"Anytime," she winked and climbed off.

"Nothing Mr. Williams, I'm fine now," I said with a smile. He smiled back and went on with his lesson.

Class was soon over and I headed to my next one. Before I knew it, it was lunch. I was sitting with the jerks, Tristan and Lucy. Alex has drifted away from us after Zayn's incident. I think it's to much for him to handle. He still hangs with us, just not as often.

Tristan was glaring at Justin, while Lucy was busy texting. The bell rang and we all went off to our next class. Mine was Biology with the jerks and Tristan-minus Justin. He had to go.

We walked off to Biology and took our seats. Today, we were going to be learning about how different chemicals react differently with each other.

"Alright class, we'll start easy. Baking soda, and vinegar. Be careful when adding both together," the teacher warned us.

I was Adam's partner and he insisted on pouring both substances together. I have no idea why I let him, but I did. He then proceeded to dump the whole bucket of vinegar and the whole jug of baking soda together which led to a spill on the floor.

End of flashback

And that's how I was assigned to go get the janitor to clean up the mess. I knocked on his office door and he grumbled to come in.

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