Chapter 1

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"Sweetie, Lexi. It's time to get up, you have visitors." My mother's comforting voice echoed in my ear.

I moaned, slowly sitting up, Nausea coming over me. My sight not being the best, considering I just woke up, my mom wasn't clear in front of me, until my eyes finally adjusted.

"Who?" I asked slowly standing up.

"The Make A Wish sponsors." She said with a smile.

I smiled, Harry Styles' face appearing in my mind, making me forget about the nausea.

"Oh, well, can I take a quick shower first?" I asked grabbing my IPhone from my nightstand. It was already 12. I stayed up most of the night researching more about Harry.

She nodded in approval. I gathered some skinny jeans, a hoodie, and a pair of converse, taking them with me to my bathroom.

As I showered I thought of how to make my wish. I've always dreamed of visiting Paris one day. Maybe the boys will be going there for their tour.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I made my way downstairs to our living room. I could hear unfamiliar voices.

I slowly crept past them into the kitchen. I searched through the cabinets and the fridge, nothing sounding good because my lack of appetite.

"Honey," my mother said touching my shoulder lightly. "We're going out to lunch with Mr. And Mrs. Plottren."

"Oh, okay" I softly said, shutting the refrigerator.

I stepped into the living room, sitting on the couch was a middle aged couple with papers smiling and talking to one another.

"Hello" I said extending my hand for them to shake.

"You must be Lexi!" The women stated, standing up and hugging me.

"It's nice to meet you." I said pulling from her embrace.

"You as well." The man said shaking my hand.

I sat in my dad's recliner, wondering when I'd see him again. He works as a surgeon, he's always gone. I see him a couple times a week.

"You're an only child?" The petite women asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am." I replied, my stomach growling.

"Let's go out to eat now, I'm starving, we can discuss your wish as we eat." The muscular man said while standing up.

As we drove to the nearest cafe, my mother asked, "so do you know what you want your wish to be?"

I smiled, nodding.

"And what would that be?" She asked. I sighed, knowing I'd probably regret the wish I was going to wish for.

"I want to go and meet One Direction in Paris at their concert." I said with a smile. She nodded, as we pulled into the restaurants parking lot.

"What can I get for you guys?" A lady around he early twenties asked us.

"I'll have a steak." I said closing my menu and handing it to her after she wrote it down.

"How would you like your steak cooked?", she asked, looking up only momentarily from her notepad, waiting for my answer.

"Well done, please." I replied nicely. As she jotted my answer down, I shivered at the thought of pink, blood in my steak, which freaks me out.

"What side would you like?" She asked, giving me a sympathetic smile. Knowing I had cancer. It was obvious, it seemed as if everyone in my little town in the state of Illinois, knew.

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