Kiss with the devil

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Pacifica's POV

I stiffened at the familiar feeling of being watched. When wasn't this guy watching? I rolled my eyes and turned to the familiar blue eyes of Dipper Gleeful, observing me from Gideon's bed. His look was one of pure curiosity, like he was trying to solve an impossible equation. I shivered, but quickly set my shocked face into one of stone, "What do you want?" I made sure to keep the journal in my hands hidden from view as I quickly slid it into the pocket of my vest. I couldn't risk letting my guard down around either of these twins, especially this particular one. Snapping me from my deep thought, Dipper replied, "Just came to check up on my favorite play toy." His smile was lazy, but his eyes were predatorial. One sign of fear and he'd pounce, like a lion attacking a deer. I had to keep my face devoid of such a thing. Adrenaline shot through me as I quickly stuffed down the shiver that wanted to follow his words and gave him a fierce look, "I'm not a play toy."

I turned back around and grabbed a random book out of many I kept piled by my bedside, peeling open "And Then There Were None" to a random page. Hopefully the irritating twin would take the hint and leave. I wasn't holding out much hope for that option. Maybe he'd at least get bored and go do the creepy things he usually does in his spare time, frankly not trying to antagonize me. No such luck. We sat in silence; him observing me from the other side of the room, and me mindlessly glancing over the words of Agatha Christie as I tried to think of an escape plan. I never thought I'd have to escape from my own room, but suddenly the idea of going in to the menacing forest that loomed outside the window didn't sound so demented. Anything to escape those intense electric blue eyes that drilled holes into the side of my blonde head.

After a few minutes of this with my mind blank of any successful escape plans, I got exasperated. His gaze was burning me, my mind unconsciously reminding me of my many flaws. Like the fact that I looked like I hadn't slept for 3 days. Or how my hair was tossed into a messy ponytail under the blue llama hat I always wore. And my rumpled clothes that barely fit my slim figure. And- Oh snap out of it! Why should I care about how I look right now? He's intruding into my home, and all I wanted was for him to get out. Determined, I shifted around to state my earlier thoughts when I came face to face with the calculating arctic ice eyes that keep me on edge, "You're cute when you're deep in thought." I could practically see the red that completely engulfed my already strawberry pink cheeks as the compliment processed through my surprised brain.

I flew back quickly, slamming in to my headboard, trying to escape the sudden close proximity between us. He didn't seem to feel the same way, because he abruptly followed, leading into an awkward position of him straddling me. It was enough to keep me trapped. I struggled half-heartedly, mind overtaken by the embarrassment I felt from the heat I could feel between us. He leaned in closer, halting my useless attempts at freedom,

"Haven't your parents ever warned you of being alone in a room with a guy?"

My face cooled and fell into defiance. My sky blue eyes flashed in anger at his smirk, "They have. They never said it applied to dogs, especially not to bitches."

My struggles commenced again. My insult only seemed to make his smug look grow wider. He leaned down the rest of the way, resting his head at the crook of my neck. My face heated with more blush, second attempts at escaping soon forgotten. "That's what I love about you." He breathed against my neck, his lips tracing my collarbone, "You're fierce, and yet so fragile."

A shiver I couldn't hold back wracked my body, whether good or bad I had no idea. I felt his perfect teeth scrape against my vulnerable neck before he gently nipped me. The sensation was so foreign that a breathy gasp escaped me without my control. I immediately regretted the embarrassing sound I made, averting my eyes as he rose to look at me, that same devilish smirk showing. I looked back up at him, but couldn't handle the intensity of his look, so I looked at his lips instead. Lips that looked really kissable right now. And he seemed to be doing the same to mine, glancing down at my lips every so often, then carefully he lowered his head, giving me enough time to turn away if I wanted to.

I didn't.

And then his lips were on mine, and I couldn't think any more. My now unrestrained hands tangling into his hair, his left hand caressing my cheek. His right hand was on my waist, moving up farther and farther, under my vest and near the pocket where the book was kept. Realizing his intentions, I used all of my strength to push him off me, "Stop!" He looked dazed for a second, almost surprised, before it was replaced with the usual smug look. As for me, I was left into a heavy breathing mess of red, blushing from embarrassment for almost giving him the book and from anger. That had been my first kiss. My first kiss, and the annoying twat of a twin, Dipper Gleeful, just took it. He didn't even take it, I gave it willingly like an idiot. This was definitely not one of my finest moments.

I glared scathingly up at the accused after catching my breath, "Get. Out." He held his hands up in surrender, already turning to go, "Okay, okay. I get when someone needs alone time." When did you realize that, genius? Before I could reply with an insult, he swiftly crossed the little distance between us and planted another kiss on my open lips before moving away just as fast. The last thing I saw before he left was his usual leer on his face, "See you later, Pacifica Pines." And then he was gone.


Later, my cousin Gideon trotted in with excitement, "Guess what, Paz! You'll never believ- Wait a minute. What's that on your neck?" He pointed to my collarbone. Getting up, I looked in the mirror only to see a red mark where he had pointed, right where the twin had bit me. My eyes widened, and I stammered, "Uh um, actually, m-must be a bug bite." A small fake smile graced my lips. My cousin didn't seem to believe me, but shrugged anyways, "Alright." And then he continued on with whatever he had been going to say before he saw the bite mark.


Hello,it's me again so remember that the story is not mine,I only found it in the internet. the links in the description of the book.
Go check that person out,give him/her all the credit,I don't know what gender he/she is. let me know in the comments. She's/He's the one who worked hard on this I only put it in wattpad.I also decided not to edit it to show more respect to the maker.


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