Scaring the Thought Of Kissing Razors ** Self- Harm trigger warming!!**

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Tony's POV

 I think Anna was right, we did just meet and we have no reason not to get to know each other before we go anywhere relationship wise, if we decide to do anything that is.

I finally found myself back at Vic's house, going inside I found Vic, Jaime, and Mike fighting over which movie to watch-so much for band practise-, as per usual Mike was pro-Harry Potter, but we were getting tired of watching it so  much​​​​​​.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known, they automatically backed off of each other and turned to look up at me laughing.

Suddenly a mixed look of anger and betrayal flashed across Vic's features fleetingly, but no one else seemed to notice, maybe I was imagining things.

​​​​I shook it off s we sat down on the couches in the living room and finally decided to compromise and watch Finding Nemo.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go get popcorn and drinks, mind giving me a hand Tony?" he asked clearly trying to keep anger out of his voice. I agreed, but suddenly became nervous as we walked up the stairs to the​​ ​​​​​yellow kitchen.

Vic's POV

I couldn't believe how jealous I got when I noticed that Tony had Anna's lipgloss very faintly on his lips and cheek. I decided that I had to ask him about it, that was for sure, he may not have noticed, but I love my Annabear.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go get popcorn and drinks, mind giving me a hand Tony?" I asked, noting the look of  ​​​​​​​​nervousness on his face , this was not going to be good, I can just feel it.

​​​​Trying to keep from jumping to conclusions as we walked into the kitchen. I put the popcorn in the microwave and started it.

"So, Anna get home safe?" I asked as nonchalantly as possible.

"Yeah, she's fine, we just got to know each other more while we walked back to her place." 'Shit' was all I could think, what if Anna didn't need me anymore now that she has Tony, I didn't know what I would do if they started dating. I was always Anna's rock, but she didn't seem to realize that she was mine too, she saved me when she came to town, I used to self-harm and I got better in order to help her try to get better, if she's gone ...I don't even want to think about  it.

I thought carefully about how to phrase my next sentence, I don't want to sound like an annoying jealous boyfriend.

"That's cool, she's really great," I said honestly while looking at the microwave pretending to check the time left, then took a deep breath , loo​​​​​​​​​​king back to Tony and continued, "hey Tony, you've got some lipgloss on your face." I said holding my breath as I watched a look of surprise wash over his features.

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked knowing I sounded completely jealous.

"You're gonna have to talk to Anna about that, I promised that I wouldn't say anything," he said looking everywhere but back at me. I was in complete shock, Anna didn't need me anymore, she has Tony, if Anna didn't need me then no one did​​​​. The microwave went off breaking me out of my thoughts and breaking the awkward silence.

Tonight is not going to be a good night.

Tony decided to go grab the bottle of pepsi and some plastic cups and met up with me while I was heading down the stairs with the popcorn. We put the snacks on the table in the middle of the living room and then sat on separate sides of the room as far away from each other as possible.

The movie had ended and I didn't pay attention to any of it, I was too busy being selfish and worrying about what was​ going on with Anna and Tony. Tony and Jaime left and I was left with my brother in the living room, he surprised me by actually speaking.

"You and I both know that Tony had Anna's lipgloss on his face, and I know that's what got you down right now, I know how hard that may be for ​​​​​​​​​you, I'm here if you need me." He said and I could see in his eyes that  he meant it. At that moment it felt that  I was beyond any help. I just said goodnight barely acknowledging him and went up to my room and turned on the light.

I got tempted to text Anna, but decided that she would probably rather talk to Tony over me.

I went over to my dresser and pulled out the drawer on the top right that I hadn't opened since I met Anna. I pushed the socks that were hiding the box I was desperately looking for. I opened the box and pulled put my razor, I watched how the light glinted off the sharp surface as I moved it around in my hand​​​​​​​​​​​​​​. I moved to turn off the lights and went to sit on my bed and rolled up the sleeve on my shirt.

I took a deep breath as I felt the unwanted emotions build up underneath my skin and felt a tear run down my cheek, I opened an old scar for every one of the emotions I was feeling, moving swiftly, anger, jealousy, fear, worthlessness, useless, selfish.​​​​ As the blood ran down my arm I felt the release I desperately needed I began to feel light headed. More tears ran down my face as I thought of how selfish I was being, all I could think about is how much I needed to talk to Anna right now, but she would never talk to me now after what I've done, I sliced two new cuts in my arm out of anger at myself for losing the only person I love truly.

I cleaned my cuts and went to bed hoping that I would never wake up again.​​​​

Okayy, well it took  lot out of me to write this chapter, I actually cried, I'm sorry if you found it too graphic, but  this is just how it ended up. I just want to make it clear that I do not want people to hurt themselves, but I get it, if you need anyone to talk to, I'll be here, I will understand  more than you think.

On a lighter note who do you ship??

AnnaxVic or AnnaxTony??? Let me know!!! :)​​


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