400+ Views Special

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When I posted the chapter before(the A/N) I had just 400 views. The next day, I had 401. And now I have 433! Thank you so much everybody! Human_Zoroark requested the Umbreon and Timcanpy. Her books are amazing! Her Pokemon story, Demon's Heart is amazing but it isn't complete. Her drawings are amazing, too! So, you should read her books and follow her. The Zorua was my idea and so was making Allen. Making Sasuke was also my idea. Timcanpy and Allen are from an anime called D.Gray-man. Human_Zoroark told me about it. And Ren is not the Ren from TQTSTM. TQTSTM stands for
T he
Q uest
T o
S top
T eam
M agma
Anyway, do you like the drawing?

And That's All.

@Flame_The_Cyndaquil(I'll write my username here now)

My ArtOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant