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Please don't play the song until you reach the next set of bolded lettering. Thank you!


Ah, New Year's, a time of celebration. A time of happiness. A time of being with family. Fun. Exciting. Life changing. Amazing. Wonderful, awesome, the best night in history. A night full with laughter, and pure, pure happiness.

Ha! I'm pretty sure that's a place anywhere but here!

That's what's it's like in other places, just not here. Anywhere but here. There's no such thing as happiness here, not at the Sohma house. I have often thought what even is happiness? It's been a while since I considered myself even somewhat happy. It's a wonderful time to be with my brothers and cousins, but at the same it's a constant reminder that I'm not welcomed, that I'll never be fully welcomed. Akito always makes sure of it.

The only reason I'm allowed into the banquet is because of my skills with music, but even that doesn't stop Akito from hurting me. He uses this day to express his power as god, and uses me as his way of doing so.

It's not that my brothers, Yuki and Ayame, don't want to stop Akito. It's just that they can't. Protecting me would mean disobeying him, which means disobeying god, and Akito has made sure that my precious family has no ability in doing so. He uses his deadly power to ensure it.

It does hurt. Very much actually. And it's embarrassing. But I'd rather it be me then Kisa or Yuki or Kureno or anyone else. If I have the ability to keep them safe, then there might be an actual reason why I'm here in this cruel, dark world. Maybe I'm not just a mistake or Akito's punching bag for when he gets bored. Maybe I'm supposed to be here to protect.

*Time Skip Brought to you by Usa-chan*

The banquet was plain boring, just like usual. I mean, Yuki's dance was wonderful and it was nice being able to see Momiji and Haru, but other than that, it was a rather insignificant night. Especially now when Akito is making his 'amazing, wonderful, inspirational' speech. Please note my sarcasm.

Blah de Blah de Blah. That's pretty much all I hear. Until he started talking directly to me. "If a person is causing strain in society, than it is for the best to get rid of the strain," Akito said, slowly passing each of the cursed Sohmas. I dreaded each step his took, each deep echo growing louder reminding that I am not free. Just like the years before, he's going to 'ask' me to play my precious piano. I peer into the eyes of Shigure, fear shining brightly through. He's always done his best to keep Akito's wrath away from me, but we both know that once the New Year's banquet comes around, there's no stopping Akito.

"Aren't I correct, Miyuki?" Of course, he stopped in front of me. Each word said was meant for me after all.

'Don't lose your cool. He's wanting you to get upset, that way he has a reason to hurt you. Don't give him that satisfaction.' My Hatori voice is starting to come out, so I decided that I would use it to 'one-up' Akito. He wouldn't know what hit him.

"Kennedy Fazili once said thus, 'The least among people are those who aren't given opportunity; opportunity determines production. But, the greatest among people are those who create their own opportunity, not for one to be thrust upon them.' So if the least among people are those who wait for opportunity to come to them, then you are correct by saying it's best to rid society of them." After finishing my speech, I couldn't help but give a slight smile to Yuki. We both knew that I had won that round against Akito.

'Thank you Hatori! I will never doubt your words of wisdom again!' My gaze quickly went across my family. Shigure was proud along with Ayame. Hatori was understanding. Momiji was smiling brilliantly over my new inspiration. And Kisa, my dear Kisa, she was looking at me with her eyes wide, full of innocence and admiration and adoration.

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