Chapter 2

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I'm sorry that this took so long to be posted, but I've finally updated. Hope you enjoy it.


Let me tell you somethings about adventures: they are incredible, magnificent, awe-inspiring, but they are no fun alone. Of course I wouldn't know anything about adventuring except from what I've read. Books make them sound life-changing, and some adventures might be, but all I've found is that the school is obnoxiously pink and humungous. Not much too actually work with, even with my music blaring into my ears. I'm pretty sure that I'll have ear problems when I am older, but Pish Posh. I don't care!

Anyways, as I was trudging through the dull halls, I come across an abandoned music room. Music Room #3 to be exact. It's weird; I seemed to have completely missed Music Room #1 and #2, or did the school just decide, 'I don't want a Music Room #1 or #2. Let's skip straight to #3!'

Then, a thought passed through my mind. The type of thought that brings out the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, or is that just in cartoons? I don't exactly know because Haru is like the angel-devil shoulder thing. Hopefully, that isn't just me thinking, and look now I'm rambling in my head.

Back to my thought: Should I go in or should I not?

Of course me being me meant I went into the mysterious, abandoned Music Room #3. After all, even though I can't play my beloved music anymore doesn't mean I still don't have an overly obsessing love for it.

Let's just say Music Room #3: nothing special about it. Not a single ounce of importance. It's just a room with no instruments, but the tables are spread out across the room. Weird.

As I was about to walk out of the insignificant room, something caught my eye; something that made me terrified and overjoyed. The most magnificent grand piano ever seen with my eyes. Although my hands will never be able to play the instrument again, that doesn't mean I don't adore the music. I could probably have the first my who comes into the room to play a quick song.

Let's just say I barely had to wait five minutes before footsteps sounded in the hallway, and the door was opened, a bright light blinding me. I'm pretty sure I saw my grandmother, who told me, "It is not yet your time." I've never met my grandmother before!

"Mommy look a princess!" a strange male voice squealed.

Never mind, I might not have the first person who comes in play the piano.

"Princess, what are you doing here so early? Hosting doesn't start for another twenty minutes." I'm going to ignore this person calling me princess and speak with Glasses Dude that came in with him.

"Um, Mr. Glasses Dude, I am completely confused," I started. "What the shingles is hosting and why does this random person keep calling me 'Princess'? It's kind of creepy."

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kyoya Ootori," Glasses Dude, well now Kyoya, but I like Glasses Dude much better, said.

"Okay...Who's the creepy person?"

"That's Tamaki. You can ignore him," Kyoya said coldly.

"Mommy why are you so mean to me?" and with that said, Tamaki, aka creepy guy, crawled into a corner and mushrooms started growing around him.

"I know I'm going to regret asking this," I mumbled as I walked over to the mushroom corner. "Tamaki, do you by any chance know how to play the piano?" And pop up he comes.

"Do I? Princess let me show you!" Tamaki exclaimed.

I quickly turn to Kyoya and ask, "Is he always like that?"

"Pretty much." By now the grand piano was in the middle of the room for all to see, even if it was Glasses Dude and me. (Play song now)

I know this piece; it's not one I could forget easily, especially since it's the first half of my favorite song, "Love's Sorrow". "Love's Joy" a magical violin piece that I have always looked to in hard times. I just never could play this song on the piano. It reminded me too much of what I could never have, love.

The zodiac curse has kept that from me. A member of the zodiac is not meant to be in the company of 'love's joy'. How could we when a hug causes transformation?

I remember a few years ago when Hatori and Kana fell in love. It was wonderful and amazing and special, but then he had to ruin it. Of course due to the curse, the leopard cannot blame him for he is God, but me, I blame him with every ounce of my breath.

It's not the song's fault that I'm always reminded of what I can never have. "Love's Joy" is simply ingenious on a musical level, but I can learn to love the song because 'love's joy' can never be experienced by the likes of me.

The slamming of the door quickly shook me from my thoughts. It must have also disturbed Tamaki because he no longer played the memory sparking notes.

"Hey Boss!" a red head yelled out.

"We were looking for you!" another red head yelled. Twins, just great. It seems to me that this adventure has just become more interesting.

"We were expecting you to be down by the cherry blossoms for hosting, but when you and Kyoya-sempai never showed up, we had to cancel."

Kyoya answered, since Tamaki was apparently in the corner growing mushrooms again, "I'll need to send flowers to those customers. Tamaki was asked to perform by Miss..."

"Sohma. Miyuki Sohma."

"Well Miss Sohma you seem to have disrupted our hosting day."

"Glasses Dude, I'm going to interrupt you before you go any farther. Firstly, seeing how I'm not yet apart of this school, I cannot have a detention. Secondly, it wasn't my fault that Creepy Guy went all emo and growing mushrooms on me. As I recall, it was you who send, and I quote, 'That's Tamaki. You can ignore him' wasn't it? And thirdly, I had to save the magnificent grand piano from being covered with mushrooms. You actually have no right to blame me with the fact that I caused the two of you to not show up for whatever the shingle miser this 'hosting' is." In your face person.








"Wow, she stood up to the Shadow King."

"She must be looking for an early death."

Let me tell you one thing: those red-haired twins do not know how to whisper. "Hey you! Weasley twins! Stop attempting to whisper, it isn't working!" I yell to them. "Anyways, I need to get going. Thanks for the piano piece; you're quite good..." But I was better before that night. "And Glasses Dude, daffodils, those are the flowers you should give. The pretty yellow ones."

And I walked away, leaving the four boys shocked. I bet no one ever spoke to them that way before, but why did I tell Kyoya daffodils. That's supposed to be for me and my musical. No one was to find out about my favorite flower. The ones that I will never receive. This day is just full of surprises.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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