|Stitches|Juuzou Suzuya x Reader|

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I grinned to myself as I marched down the sidewalk to the CCG where my boyfriend Juuzou was waiting.

Most people didn't know about our relationship and those who did couldn't believe it to be true. Im pretty sure they don't even think Juuzou understood the concept of love or human emotions. They were dead wrong.

Juuzou really did care about me though. He just had an... Interesting way of showing it. Like how thefirst time we met it was when he killed a starving ghoul that attacked me before it could take a bite out of my flesh. And during the cleanup and while I was being checked over by the other annoying police and ambulance Juuzou had refused to leave without walking me home and just as I was about to shut my door behind me he had pressed a quick, sweet kiss upon my lips before skipping away with a silly grin on his face.

We had been dating for about two months now. And life couldn't get better for me. After all, I was dating an adorable sadist.


(Juuzou's POV)

My legs swung repeatedly as I stared at the clock with a longing in my eyes.

Mr. Shinohara was watching me curiously and I pretended not to notice until he spoke up with a sigh from his chair.

"Juuzou why do you keep staring at the clock?" He asked curiously.

I spun around in my spinny chair to face him. "Waaaiting"

"...For what?" He replied patiently.

I smiled. "Not telling!"

My beloved mentor chuckled lightly. "Juuzou... You do know that you forgot your quinque in the meeting room right?"

I gasped and fell off the spinny chair with a thud, scrambling out of the office and back to the meeting room for my briefcase.


I smiled up at the tall office building and I found a place to wait for the investigator. Leaning against a tree with my back against the bark I pulled out my phone and scrolled for music.

Just as I was about to put in my earphones I heard someone clear their throat nearby. I looked up from my phone to see a man in a suit with brushed brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"U-Um... Why is a pretty girl like you just waiting outside here?" The guy said with a blush.

"Just waiting for someone..." I answered obliviously.

He scratched the back on his head. "Wow um... Hey my name's Seidou. Seidou Takizawa" He outstretched his hand for me to shake and I returned it wierdly.

"Hey! Um... Would you want to maybe go get something to eat later?" I stared at him in agitation. I was about to tell him off when I saw a pale, stitched hand grip Seidou's shoulder.

He jumped in surprise and whipped around to see Juuzou standing there with a smile on his face that sent a message of murder.

"Juuzou!" I pulled the white haired artist into my arms and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"N-No way!" Seidou called in disbelief.

Juuzou grinned in Seidou's revelation that I was waiting for him.

"Sorry Seidou! I'm already taken" I pulled my right sleeve back to reveal my [f/c] stitches that matched Juuzou's.

I didn't get the reaction I wanted.

"S-Suzuya!! How could you do this!?" He shrieked.

Juuzou and I rolled our eyes in sync. "Cmon Juuzou. Remember that gift I promised you?"

His face lit up childishly. "Yes!"

I reached into my jacket pocket and revealed a new spool of [f/c] thread.

"Thank you [y/n]!" He cheered at my gift.

As a little gift for saving me I promised him free access to decorating my body whatever way he wanted.

"No problem Juuzou! Just promise me that you'll stitch something cool!" I leaned on my boyfriend and he pressed a love-filled kiss on my lips.

"Anything for you my beautiful canvas!"

《Juuzou Suzuya x Reader》One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now