|I'm Still Here|Juuzou x Reader|

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Ive always hated hospitals. Always despised how they reek of death and sickness, how someone has eventually stopped breathing in every bed they own. But now... Now someone I love is in one of those godforsaken beds.

Suzuya Juuzou. The childish psycho I fell in love with. With his finesse as an investigator and reckless attitude I've never had to worry when Juuzou casually walked in with blood on his clothes. I've always known it was someone elses.

Fidgeting in my chair, I subconsciously rubbed the three prominent stitches that Juuzou had adorned my body with. A small red heart etched into the back of my neck, one along the underside of my right arm that was stitched in [f/c] string that spelled out my name in large, choppy letters. The last one was also red and patterned in the same design as Juuzou's arm but mine was along my neck and in a small, skillful font spelled Juuzou's name. Suzuya

Along his neck was the same thing but instead it spelled out [y/n].

Some couples got matching tattos, we had stitches. It was our own little way of stitching us together so we wouldn't be apart.

But now... now I might be torn from my other half forever.

Juuzou had told me about the SSS rated ghoul Owl and how he was a part of a team to kill it. I had faith in him that he wouldn't get hurt. After all, he took down the SS rated ghoul Jason without a scratch. Even when he opened the door to the apartment I owned, covered in blood I always knew it wasn't his.

So the thought of losing the mad boy never even crossed my mind.

"Mrs. [L/n], your partner Suzuya Juuzou has been severely injured in battle. I highly insist that you visit him immediately. He is stationed in Fuyuhiko Hospital in room 413" The call from an unemotional woman sent me here, praying to whatever God would listen.

The door to Juuzou's room opened and a brown haired nurse exited with a tired expression.

"Mrs. [l/n]?" She echoed.

I nodded eagerly, trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

The nurse who's nametag read as Misaki Nishi gave a small smile to me and smiled. "Juuzou is alive..."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"...But he's... I'm sorry but he lost his leg in battle"

I didn't say anything, barely managing to fight back the tears that threatened to spill.

"Can..." I took a deep breath. "Can I see him?"

The nurse nodded sorrowfully and stepped to the side of the door.

Opening the door was like opening the door to the afterlife. Not knowing what awaits me, heaven or hell.

But when I opened the door I found purgatory.

Dressed in the classic hospital robes and sitting up on the bed was Juuzou, stitching himself with medical equipment used for sowing wounds. He wore his Cheshire grin as he worked, eyes shimmering like a kid in a candy store.

Then as I looked down I felt my stomach drop. No... it felt more like my stomach plummeting into the harbor, slowly drowning my internal organs until it stopped my heart.

Juuzou was sitting criss-cross on the bed, resting his stump on his right leg.

I couldn't win my battle. Tears streamed down my cheeks endlessly and without noise.

Noticing my presence Juuzou looked up and seemingly grinned wider. "Ah~! Hiya [n/n]-chan!"

"H-Hi... Juuzou..." I choked out.

He tilted his head in confusion. "[y/n]? Why are you crying?"

I shook my head, looking down. "Y-Your.. leg..."

The albino tilted his headback. "Ooohh~ right... but why do you care? It's not your leg"

I snapped with depressed fury. "Because I love you Juuzou!! I can't stand the fact that you lost your leg and I wasn't there to help you!!" My tirade descended to quiet sobs.

"Aww don't cry [n/n]-chan! I hate it when you cry" Juuzou chirped, extending his arms for me. Without a second thought I flew into them, resting my head on his shoulder while I cried.

Pulling back from the generous embrace he stared into my orbs, [e/c] meeting his ruby crimson. He rested his hand on my cheek, gingerly wiping away the lingering tears.

With a curl of his lips he continued to speak soft words. "The doctors even said I can get a cool prosthetic when I recover. I only lost a leg when I could have died. So don't worry... I'm still here..."

Closing my eyes I leaned my head into his shoulder and tried in vain to control the lingering salty drops.

He was right. At least he's still here...


Yo! Mizu here! And I'm now driving out of Yosemite and decided, "Hey! No wi-fi or data connection! Might as well write on wattpad because it still works! :D

How did you like my little cry? And yes I know you're crying, don't fking lie to me.

Oh yeah, before you comment down saying, "OH YES BUT MIZU! JUUZOU DIDN'T LOOSE HIS LEG!!" To that I say, yeah he did. Not that crappie censored 2nd season. In the perfect, amazing, best ever, manga. He lost his left leg and got a prost ethic in :re

Oh yeah, spoilers for Tokyo Ghoul Manga. We won't be spoiling :re though :)

Mizu out

《Juuzou Suzuya x Reader》One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now