|Stupid Feline...|Jealous!Juuzou x Reader|

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I glared daggers at the squirming ball of fur in [y/n]'s arms. The brown and white cat paid me no mind, fully engrossed in the pets and scratches [y/n] covered him in.

"Aww, Taiga you're so cute!" She chirped.

Ever since she had brought home that thing from the streets [y/n] had practically chose the cat over me. She even let it sleep in the same bed! She only let me do that!

As time passed and my [y/n] got more attached to the mange it slowly began to look just like the stray animals I killed for fun.

So now here I was, curled up on the couch beside my girlfriend. As the rat snuggled into her side happily I let out a low growl. Perking her ears upward the cat looked up and returned my gaze. Ruby met gold in a furious staring contest before the animal arched it's head up towards [y/n]'s cheek and gave her a small lick.

I felt my body go rigid and my pupils shrink into pinprics.

This means war...


I grinned maliciously as I emptied the bag of cat food into the garbage. Simple, if there's no food there's no cat, and if there's no cat then it means [y/n] will go back to liking me more!

"Your days are numbered Taiga" I declared against the she-cat.

Just then I heard the door open and close. "Juuzou! I'm back!"

I stiffened in fear. Not wasting any more time with emptying out the contents I stuffed the bag into the bin and closed the sliding door just as [y/n] entered the kitchen.

Spinning around like a top I faked innocence to the beautiful [e/c] eyed girl in the archway.

"Hey Juuzou, I brought you something from the candy shop" She exclaimed.

I smiled widely. "Ahh! Thanks [n/n]-chan!"

[y/n] smirked. "It was difficult swiping these so enjoy them"

I nodded vigorously. "Okay!" [y/n] worked at the candy shop a few blocks away and always managed to steal a few treats for me.

"And I also got you a little something too!" I gasped. She got me another present!?

"[y/n] Thank y-" She walked past me and crouched on the floor to the feline, taking out a small bag of green smelly stuff.

Taiga went nuts for it, rubbing it's stupid head on the flooring.

I grit my teeth in bittersweet victory. It'll be dead soon any all problems will be over...

About two days later it had finally dissapeared for good. I had to convince [y/n] that I had been feeding the animal so she didn't see how it was slowly starving to death. Of course [y/n] was broken up about it but the first thing she did after it ran away was clutch to me. We ended up watching some terrible movie she put on while 90% of the time we tried to sneak kisses while the other didn't expect it. As we fell asleep I internally celebrated the death of the bratty feline...

...Until I heard scratching from the doorway.

[y/n] was the one to get up and inspect who was there at this hour. I remained in the room, tossing and turning until I heard my girlfriend's scream.

I bolted out of bed, grabbing a row of my scorpion quinques that laid on the end table and the two that I hid under my pillow before sprinting to the door with blood pumping through my veins, a deadly pit of anger sharpening my senses, and an intent to kill anything that dared to hurt my [y/n], if it was human or ghoul.

But when I ran through the bedroom to the hallway I was met with another enemy I hadn't expected.

That damn cat.

《Juuzou Suzuya x Reader》One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now