Please read before starting.

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Hi! I hope you read this before you start this story.

-What is this?-

You know when someone tells you to do something, but you're online and you keep saying "Just 5 more minutes"? Or other times when you're watching YouTube videos, and there are neglected tabs which you need for you assignment that you're supposed to submit tomorrow but you procrastinated for a week? There was that 'assurance' in the back of your mind saying "It's okay, you can do this later, focus on this counter-productive task first before starting anything that is more important than this task."

Well, what if that was a person? What if that thought in the back of your mind was a person, whom you talked to everyday like a regular old friend, but was a person you only saw?

Read the journey of Ilsa, when she encounters a new 'friend' Lisa, and how her life has completely changed forever.

-Why write this?-

The main reason I wrote this story was to reach out to anyone and everyone about what happens when you spend too much time online, mainly how it's health effects affect people of our generation: teenagers.

Ironic, the fact that this is to make people understand that being online for an excessive amount of time is a bad thing, when this story is published online.

But that's how I intend to reach people. Majority of my peers spend their time online, and I'm pretty sure you do too.

Your mental and your physical health is always important.

Without it, you're dead.

Both figuratively and literally.

Please do not destroy it piece by piece for it is difficult to recover.

"Health is Wealth"

Thanks for reading


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