Crazy Crazy Nights

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Spencer's POV

Aria didn't kiss back at first; she was too shocked to respond. I pulled her body closer to mine, earning a gasp from Hanna and Emily. Aria melted into the kiss, letting go of her worries and embarrassment. I tangled my fingers in her hair and she pulled away slowly, her watery green eyes staring into my hazel ones.

"...Well," Hanna said. "I didn't expect that."

"Are you two...?" Emily asked.

I looked down. "Yeah," I said. "I wanted to tell someone who wasn't my mom."

Aria smiled at me, running her finger along my cheek; I smiled back, stroking my hair out of my eyes.

"You certainly told us, all right," Hanna said. "But I'm happy for you. You two both deserve each other." She flashed us each a beaming smile.

"Me too," Emily said, smiling at us both. "But why didn't you tell your mom first?"

"She would react like yours did," I told her. "Possibly worse."

"What about yours, Ar?" Hanna asked.

"I'm sure she'd be okay with it, but she might tell Veronica," Aria said.

We were all quiet for a moment, Hanna and Emily exchanging awkward looks, silently communicating with each other. Aria pushed herself off of me and sat down in the same spot she was sitting in before, except now she had her head rested on my shoulder.

"Should we continue watching the movie?" Emily asked, picking up the remote control hastily and pressing play.

We all nodded and Hanna took a large handful of popcorn from the bowl again. The food that was originally surrounding Aria's petite body was now partially spread over Emily's lap, but most of it was being sat on by all of us. My hands were rested on my thighs, and Aria entwined her fingers with mine. Her hands were tiny in comparison to mine, which I found rather cute. But to be honest, there was nothing that wasn't cute about Aria.

I could feel my eyes burning with exhaustion, but I couldn't sleep. Each time I closed my eyes it was like I was still wide awake apart from the fact I couldn't see anything. Emily was already looking drowsy and so was Aria, who had her legs propped up over mine.

"I'm sorry I kind of forced you to come out," I whispered in her ear. My head was resting against the top of hers, and I kissed her hair.

"Don't be," she whispered back. "I wouldn't have done it myself. The whole lap dance thing was a joke, and I mainly did it to shut Hanna up... I didn't expect you to full on kiss me." She chuckled, her chest rising softly.

I sighed in relief. "I thought you'd be upset that I did it," I admitted.

"It's better to come out now and get it off our chests rather than wait until -A did it for us. They'll probably do that if we don't come out to our parents."

"Don't remind me of that." I closed my eyes just as the movie came to an end. Aria kissed my cheek as an apology and I smiled.

"How are you guys tired already?" Hanna asked, getting up eagerly and turning on the lights. The sudden change in atmosphere shocked me and I jumped up, shielding my eyes; Emily jolted awake like someone had poured ice cold water over her.

"Spence and I had an exam, remember?" she said.

"I'm wide awake," Hanna said. "Come on, Aria, you can't be tired too."

Aria was silent, her head slumping down onto my chest. It appeared that in the space of a minute, she had managed to fall asleep.

"Oh, my God," Hanna said. "Why is everyone so tired?"

I laughed. "Exams are tiring," I said.

Emily nodded. "And it's 1am," she told us. "I think we should all make like Aria and sleep."

"I agree," I said.

Hanna sat back down on the couch, sulking. "Fine, fine," she accepted. "But where are we all going to sleep?"

"Upstairs?" Emily asked.

"That means that two people have to share my bed," Hanna said.

Both girls looked at Aria and I.

"Sure, it's cool," I said.

"Great." Hanna smiled. "Now we just need to get Aria upstairs."

"I'll carry her," I suggested, reaching under her knees with one arm and pulling her closer to me with the other wrapped around her shoulders. I placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, receiving an "Aww" from Hanna and Emily. Aria was starting to wake up; she held on tight to my shirt.

I picked her up off the couch and took her upstairs, following the others. I slowly put her down on Hanna's bed, but she still gripped on to me.

"It appears you're dating a panda bear," Emily commented jokingly.

"Her nickname's Pookie Bear, remember?" Hanna said.

I laughed. "Her nickname is Small," I said. "But I guess that's more of a pet name."

"That's adorable!" Hanna jumped up and down discreetly, quietly freaking out.

"Come on, guys," Emily said. "We should get to sleep."

Hanna pulled out a couple of duvets and mattresses from under her bed, which somehow had managed to fit under there. She separated them out and threw a duvet on each one, then proceeded to grab a pillow in each hand. Did that girl have a whole other world under there?

She got up to turn off the lights; I got into her bed and wrapped Aria up in my arms. It felt so good to be able to hold her again, and my comfort was instantly restored. A smile spread across Aria's perfect pink lips. She still held on to my shirt, but her grip was looser now.

"Aria, you can let go," I whispered softly.

"I'm sorry," she whispered back. "I just want you to be closer to me."

I pulled her towards me, hugging her tightly. "I'm not going anywhere, Small," I told her. "I'm right here."



I wanted to update early because this chapter is quite bad so it'll be better on Saturday :)

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