The sohma's Wild day

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It got better for the moment I sat down at a table with momiji and a girl walked in and looked suprized she had long brown hair as well as brown eyes she was pretty

"Oh momiji I didn't know you had a friend coming over to" she said she had a tray with some food on it

"yea well I met her on the way here thats why you didn't know she was coming this is Kito" momiji explained and I nodded sigura walked in at that moment

"So how did you to meet"? he asked and some boy with purple hair was standing at the door way looking a bit worried momiji looked down suddenly

"Well as I was passing the supermarket she bumped into me and I transformed then she helped me hide from view" he said looking down as if he did something bad

"Well you know I have to tell Akito" shigura told him he looked up

"No please dont if that happens there is no way he wont let her keep her memories" momiji said looking desprite I looked between them this Akito guy must be of some importance or something I looked at the time

"So what is your name" I asked the girl she looked at me

"oh its torhu honda its very nice to meet you" torhu smiled I smiled back for the rest of the day we didn't mention this Akito guy we had so much fun this other little girl came around her naem was kisa sohma she was a relative of momiji and shigura as well as kyo and yuki the purple hair guy was yuki kyo is this orange hair boy who has a bad temper it was so much fun untill I relized how dark it was getting

"Oh I need to go home soon do you have a phone I could use" I asked standing up

"why yes please come this way miss Kito" yuki said showing m the way why did he always say miss this miss that he called torhu miss honda it was really annoying

"Please dont call me miss Kito just Kito please"  I told him as I picked up the phone mom came around six thirty and took me home

"I hope Kito was good for you" mom said talking to shigura

"She was a perfect little angel" shigura answeared her when all was atraghtened out we went home tomorrow me and momiji planned to meet at the supermarket that we meet at I couldn't wait

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