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If you have a couple spare minutes of time, everyone should go post something really nice on Scomichetori 's profile because, he's such a great guy and he's been through so much yet he's the sweetest, kindest thing you'll ever meet. I'm all about spreading good vibes, and by god, he deserves that and so much more. <3

--- Thanks for everything, love. You've no idea how much happiness you bring to my life daily - how much more I smile in the mornings, or how many less nightmares plague my dreams. I know I say this a lot, but I love you. You're the best sort of hope I've ever found in this world. ---

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Okay, wow, that's quite enough sap for now. To everyone else, have a swell day full of good vibes and lots of food, and as always, thanks for reading! cx  (hopefully I'll be posting the answers to my 13 question tag later, whoop whoop.)

Xo ~ Lillian

P.S. I was serious about posting something on his profile. Do it, I dare you. I ask you. One sentence. Just do it. Pretty please. Thank ^-^

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