Love Hurts

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     By the time we arrived at the dance, it was already in full swing.  The front entrance to the school was lined with pumpkins and scarecrows.  We entered the school through the downstairs gym entrance.  

     Lex squealed and clapped her hands together.  The gym had been transformed into a makeshift house of horrors.  Along the wall closest to the stage housed a refreshment station.  Snacks, pop and punch sat out for us.  The punch bowl was filled with a deep red punch.  The ice cubes had gummy worms frozen inside of them.  I was pretty sure that someone would at least try and spike the punch at some point in the evening.  The table cloth was covered with plastic spiders.  Above the refreshment table hung a giant spider web, complete with more of the tiny plastic spiders.  A band played up on stage.  Skeletons hung on either side, while ghosts were suspended above, blowing gently in the breeze.  Strobe lights flashed erratically creating a wild effect.  A few tables were set up near the back for us to hang out at or whatever.  Each table had a plastic light up skull as its centerpiece.  Kind of cheesy, but really what did I expect?  This was high school after all and we were not allowed to go the blood and gore route.  Apparently a few years ago, some students set up a horror house with blood and everything.  When it was all over, they found a real dead body set up with the decorations.  Or, at least that was what I had heard.

     Spike slid his hand into mine.  He leaned in close to be heard over the music.

     "Would you like something to drink?"

     I nodded and he made his way over the refreshment table.  Lex and I wove our way through the sea of people to the tables at the back.  We grabbed a vacant table and sat down.  Everyone looked so different in their costumes.  It was almost impossible to tell who some people were.  There were of course the costumes that were so poorly done that it was kind of pathetic.  Others were so intricate and involved that they took my breath away.  I was very glad that Lex had talked me out of going as a ghost.  I would hate to be lumped with the pathetic costumes.

     Spike returned with drinks in hand.  I smiled gratefully as he handed one to me.  Lex took a long sip before placing hers on the table.  She reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

     "Let's dance!"

     Before I knew it, we were out on the dance floor and having the time of our lives.  I felt so full of confidence and so alive.  The look in Spike's eyes when he looked at me sent shivers through my body.  I loved it.  I loved every single minute of it.

     After a few classic Halloween songs, such as the Monster Mash, they decided to slow it down for a bit.  

     I felt a hand on my bare shoulder.  "London, do you want to dance?"

     I turned, fully expecting to see Spike, but was completely surprised to be staring into the face of an odd, ghoulish mask.

     "Ummm, who is under there?"  I asked, unsure as to who was asking me to dance.

     Before the masked figure had a chance to answer, Spike grabbed my hand and led me back onto the dance floor.  He pulled me close and put his hands on my hips.  I stole a quick glance over my shoulder before wrapping my arms around his neck.  The odd, masked figure stood just off of the dance floor staring at me.  A chill ran up my spine.  Who was that?  I shook it off and returned my attention to Spike and tried not to worry about some random Halloween ghoul.

     Spike pulled me closer and then slowly lowered his lips to mine.  I kissed his back and then looked up into his warm and inviting eyes.  He winked at me.  I giggled and placed my cheek against his chest.  He rested his chin on the top of my head.  I felt as though I were floating on a cloud.  The song ended and we made our way back to the table.  I took another quick look around, but the ghoul had vanished.  Lex was just getting up from the table as we approached.  

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