Chapter 22

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That evening, I called both my mother and Kate for entirely different reasons.

I called my mom because I was missing her, craving the sound of her voice and lame little jokes.

I filled her in on everything that had happened since I'd last spoken to her, excluding some details, and ended up running my mouth dry with descriptions of London and all the places Mason and I had visited.

She had almost been more excited than me, asking me question after question, and gasping in delight at my answers. She informed me that everything was fine at home, work was busier than ever, and she missed me to the moon and back. I was surprised when I felt a pang of homesickness settle in my stomach.

I had been so wrapped up in this different and chaotic world that I hadn't had much time to stop and think about my mom. About her amazing cooking, or sweet perfume, or her laid-back, ever-optimistic attitude. I wondered if she was all right, if she wasn't too lonely, and wished that, just for a second, I could be with her.

After saying goodbye to her, a little rapidly so she couldn't catch on to my sudden emotions, I made the next call to Kate, bracing myself for her reaction to the news I'd soon tell her.

I hadn't told anybody about what had happened between Mason and I a few hours earlier. Not Molly or Emily or JT. For some reason I had wanted to keep it to myself. Just for a little longer, I had wanted to keep what had happened a secret between myself and Mason, undisturbed by everybody else.

But now I needed to tell someone about the kiss, as I was beginning to drive myself crazy going over and over the moment in my head.

I quickly scrolled down my list of Facetime contacts until I got to Kate's and clicked the call button, praying to God she would answer.

She did. Her face suddenly popped onto my screen, an image of blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a grin that almost split her face in half.

I couldn't contain my own giddy smile upon seeing the familiar face of my best friend.

"Hey there," I said, giving her a little wave through the camera.

"Rose!" she exclaimed, beaming excitedly. "God I've missed you. What have you been up to? How's England? Cold? According to the news it should be snowing over there in a couple days. How's Mason? You haven't killed him yet have you? I've honestly missed you so much—"

"Jesus, Kate calm down!" I finally interrupted with a laugh. But, God, had I missed her and her excessive babbling too.

"Everything is amazing here. The people are great. My roommate Molly— you'd love her."

Kate looked relieved. "Thank God. I was scared you were going to end up stuck with some psychopath or something, who'd become, like, obsessed with you. You know like in The Roommate?"

"The movie?"


I rolled my eyes. "Tad dramatic."

But that didn't stop the huge grin on my face as I stared at Kate, taking in her Barbie locks and pursed smile. Silently, I regretted not calling her sooner. I had been so caught up in this whirlwind of new people and places that I had neglected the people I loved back home.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry for not making contact sooner, Kate. It's been so hectic here, not that that's an excuse—"

"Oh God, relax, Rose. I get it. I know you've been super busy so don't sweat it. And besides, you're calling me now."

Again, I was filled with affection for my best friend, and so taking a breath, I decided to tell her what I hadn't told a soul yet.

Glancing to check my door was firmly shut I said, "So about that. There's something I need to tell you."

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