Chapter 2

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I was unable to save my biology assignment. I had even attempted to blow dry it, but as soon as I held it up, it had sagged into two pieces, the water too much of a strain on the paper, leaving me with a possible F on my hands.

Ignoring the smirks and glances at my damp attire, I kept walking and opened my diary to see what my first lesson was.

And because nothing was going my way today, I found out it was biology. Great. Gritting my teeth, I turned a corner and walked into the science block, mentally rehearsing the best way of delivering the news to Mrs Henry, my science teacher. I couldn't see it going well.

Stepping into the classroom, I realized that as well as not having my homework with me, I was late too. My cheeks instantly flushed when every head turned towards me.

"Can you explain why you are so late, Miss Pierce?" Mrs Henry spoke from the front of the classroom. She glared at me with small eyes, partially hidden behind square frames,.

I swallowed hard.

"Um... I'm- I'm sorry, I was in the bathroom and—"

She cut off my words with an exasperated sigh. " Actually, I honestly don't care."

Good.  I didn't feel like explaining myself in front of the entire class anyway.

"Just give me your assignment and sit down."

You win some, you lose some, right?         

I swallowed again.

In a timid voice, I said, "Um... about that Mrs Henry, I—"

Her dark eyebrows  . "Don't tell me you haven't completed it, Rose."

I gulped and shot a nervous glance at the students in front of me, wishing they weren't all witnessing my embarrassment. A second later, my eyes zeroed in on someone sitting near the back of the room with an amused expression on his face.

Mason sat back in his chair with his arms crossed and his lips pulled into a smirk. My eyes widened. I had completely forgotten he was in my biology class. But then they narrowed again when I noticed the idiot was actually enjoying himself.

I grit my teeth in annoyance.

"Miss Pierce. Have you completed your homework assignment or not?" Mrs Henry demanded.

I turned back to her. "Yes. I did—"

"Then where is it?" she questioned.

"Well... I don't have it anymore, but I can explain, I—"

She crossed her arms and gave me a stern look, cutting off my words.

"Rose, I honestly don't have time to listen to an entire story about why your assignment is not here. I gave you a week's notice and everyone else seemed to have completed it."

"But I did complete it!" I exclaimed. "I swear, I had it with me but—"

She held up her thin hand, silencing me. "Enough. I don't want to hear it."

She then sighed and gave me a long, considering look. I just stared back at her, not really sure what to do. After a few seconds she sighed again and ran a tired hand down her face.

"Normally," she said, "I would give a student detention for unfinished work."

My head sunk at her words. "But," she continued and a spark of her hope made me look up again, "because this is your first time, I will let you off."

Relief coursed through my veins and my body sagged with it. That was one bullet dodged.

"Thank you. I swear it won't happen again," I said with gratitude.

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