I will always love you Y/N

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Hey everyone well this is my first book so i hope you enjoy it
And here is a little guide for you:
Y/N=your name
F/N=first name
L/N=last name
And English is not my native language so i'm so sorry for grammar mistakes...

You were sleeping peacefully until you feel someone got in your room and coming forwards to you.
"Y/N wake up already you're going to be late for school on your first day!!!"

"Hikaru gimme 5 minutes more i wanna sleep!"

"No more 5 minutes to you young girl you're late already!"

"W-what?! I'm late already?!Why didn't you woke me up earlier you stupid bro..."

"I tried to wake you up for 10 times it's your problem now wear your uniform!"


"Be quick!"



You were on your way to school not looking where you were going. Then you bumped into something. You noticed that the thing that you bumped into was a blonde boy looked around your age...

"Hey! Don't you even look were you are going?!"

"I'm so sorry for that. Are you okay?"

You lend a hand to the blonde boy and helped him up. His hands were soft and warm...

"So which school are you from?"
The blonde boy asked to you.

"From Vocaloid High" you answered his question.

"Oh i'm from the same school too...Hey! Wanna walk to school together?"

"Umm...okay..." You answered while blushing.

"C'mon you don't have to be shy after all we're friends right?"

"Yes!" You said smiling.


Y/N pov

Wow i have already found a nice friend i guess...
I'm glad i met him...

"Hey! You can sit next to me if you want" The blonde said.

"O-okay..." You said blushing again.

*The teacher comes to the class*

"Good morning everybody!" The teacher said happily.

"Good morning Amakata-sensei!"Everyone said.

"So we have a new student here in our school and class. Y/N-san why don't you come and introduce yourself to the class?"


"Hi everyone! My name is Y/N L/N. My hobbies are (your hobbies) and my fobbies are (your fobbies). I hope we can be good friends!"


"So your name is Y/N right?"


"Well i still haven't told you my name right?" The blonde male said while rubbing back of his neck.

"Yes..." You said with a poker face.

"So...My name is Len Kagamine and i have a twin sister her name is Rin and i have an older sister her name is Lenka and an older brother his name is Rinto. The thing that i love the most are bananas." He said smiling.

Len's pov

I had just introduced myself to Y/N but she didn't look like understand...

"So my name's Len Kagamine but you can call me Len-kun." I said and hoped she would understand now.


'She didn't answer back i wonder what's wrong...' I wondered.



"Y/N you alright?"


"Y/N come back!"

"Aaahhhh!!!" She screamed.


"A-ah s-sorry i was just dreaming...Ehe"


"A-actually it's n-normal because i often get lost in my thoughts..."

"Well me too!"

*Leon comes*

"Well hey! You're the new girl right? How about we both spend time together a bit?" Leon said smirking. I hate this brat...

Then he holded Y/N's wrist, Y/N was looking at him with widened eyes.

"Hey let go of her you stupid brat!!!" I yelled and then i punched him on the face.

"L-le-"She was cut off by me.

"Run!" I yelled at her.

"B-but Len-kun!" She said with tears in her eyes...


I holded her wrist then pulled her to me and hugged her tightly.

"L-len-kun..." She said shocked a bit.



"I love you..."

I just kissed her on the lips gently then let go of her...

Y/N pov

Len-kun had just kissed me!
It must be a dream because it's impossible!
(Me:Oh c'mon you're beautiful that it's normal if he kisses you (・ω・)ノ)

"Len-kun..." I said blushing hardly.


"I will always love you..."


Hey everyone so the first part of the story had just finished i read it before writing and i noticed that it's a bit short well i'm sorry for that ehehe...
Well i hope you enjoyed it and i'll try to write the second part longer and better...
See ya!

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