Chapter 1

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I rolled on to my side to be blinded by the blazing sun peering through my blinds. Larklyn was at my feet and i watched his tiny puppy tummy rise and fall with his breathing. He tossed in his sleep, i only wish i could do that and fall back to sleep. Tiredly, i run my hands through my hair and sigh. I grab my phone to see i have a few unread messages:


Hey whats on the agenda for your day? x

Jill is one of my best friends, shes American and every time she talks she uses American slang and forgets shes here in the UK. I chuckle at her message an speedily text back:

Nothing so far, care for some starbucks? x

I exit of our messages and see that Liam has been trying to contact me. Yes, THE Liam Payne is my cousin. He's actually my favourite cousin because he is around my age, just a couple years older. I have 3 missed calls from him and two texts:


The boys and I are down, and theyd love to meet my favourite cousin;)x


37 Sebastian Court...right? x

Ever since Liam joined One Direction, we haven't had alot of time to have what he calls, Cuzzy Time.

So, him and his bandmates are off for a holiday and Liam, being the great cousin he is, invited me to tag along.

I couldnt deny, spending a weekend with my cousin and his close mates would be my summer vacation all in one.

Sure! Id love to meet the lads:) x

I slipped out my bedroom door and made my way to the kitchen. Living on your own was torture! Noone to wake up to, no one to have breakfast with, nothing like that! But my bestfriends Jill, Ella, Eva and Michaela make living alone less depressing by coming and visiting every so often. I set my mug down on the countertop and sighed a sigh of relief, my apartment was open planned, the kitchen opened up into the lounge and dining space and had lots of window light.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as a text from Liam came through:


We're here:) x

I made a face at my Just as i was about to reply, firm hands wrapped around my waist in a friendly manner and spun me around, i looked up to see Liam grinning at me. "LIAM! YOUR HERE!" I shrieked, i wrapped my arms around his neck as 4 more boys spilled in through the front door, "Hey Love" Liam smiled sweetly, "Lads, meet my lovely cousin Macey" he gestured his hands in my direction. I looked up to see 5 lads staring at me, waiting for something, "Uh..Hello" I managed to say silently. The brown, curly haired one, known as Harry, crashed me into a tight squeeze, "HI IM HARREH" He yelled, "Macey" I said, sticking out my hand infront of me, which he gently shook. The next to greet me was a model built bloke with quite the quiff going on, "I'm Zayn" he said, I smiled in reply as he walked to join Harry. Louis dragged me into a bear hug, i knew Lou through Eleanor who i was close with. Last was, the blonde haired irish fellow. He stuffed his hands inside his pockets nervously.

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