Guys I have a surfing competition today
Can we come? Cameron asked
I have to go get ready,there is food in the fridge.
OkTwenty minutes later
Common lets go.
Coming,so chillax.Cam said
I'm gonna be late.
Ok Cameron saidI was up last again *note the sarcasm*
Anyway the highest score is 18.892
But I know I can win,I am paddling out to the line up.
Gets up on the board,snaps the top of the wave 4 times before the barrow starts to form goes in the barrow and comes out and does a 480 in the air and lands it on the wave,then does one more snap on the top of the wave.And then goes to the top of the wave and jumps off her board then grabbing once off of the wave.
I got a 25.999 aka 30.0
I won bitches