rules to follow

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if you just want to skip through the  introductions that are supplied to you for your own benefit, and want to search through the chapters according to these symbols.. well, go ahead.

sexual preference guide:

// homosexual

\\ bisexual

|| heterosexual 

i would also just like to point out that i do not always message first-- but i am used to doing so. if you are not in the mood to message first, have your character comment or vote under the character you want and then i will reply as soon as i can. (which, may i add, does take some time because i am a busy person ooa so i normally come on late at night.. when i am fighting off slumber). 

you are welcome to comment on the page in order to start a chat, or send a private message as well. also,  if one of them messages you first.. they message you first. it really does not signify anything important, just consider yourself a likeable / interesting person.

keep in mind that this is literate role play, meaning that there should be third person (sometimes first person) responses that contain "   " for dialog between the characters.  if you are having trouble with this, it's not a big deal to ask for a guide or whatever. it usually is not a problem but then again, some people have difficulty  replying in a more detailed manner. likewise, to go off of what was just said, replies should be somewhat detailed but they don't have to be drastically etiquette and this whole big plethora of ideas and emotions. simple is good too sometimes. it really is what you prefer, there should not be some guideline for you to follow, do what you please with it.

there are no rules like 'no drama' or 'if you don't reply in two days, the characters will be broken up'. the ooa is flexible and understands that people have lives outside of this website and means of role-play. relax, you are fine. also, drama is good, it brings forward a lot of emotion and what not and it puts the muses on the edge of their seats. there really are no rules except do not cheat.. and no text talk like 'lol' or 'brb' or 'c:' unless you and the person are just talking and not in rp, but still, try to keep emoticons to a minimum.

that is a lot to take in and it might seem really redundant which it is. there is no need to stress about if you want to actually want to start talking to one of them or not; you defiantly should. the rules might seem really strict, but if you think about it, they are pretty straight forward and common sense based.

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