\\ dayton evans \\

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dayton belongs to the evans family, actually there are tons of 'evans' families in the area he is from, which adds to that fact that nothing is there to separate dayton from the rest. dayton does not have any sort of special talent, trust him, he has tried many times to create diversity between him and his peers but has failed every time. he was one of the higher ranked seniors back in his high school, if that is saying anything. dayton was well known for being an evans' kid. the whole population in his high school knew that his mom left his family when they were young, causing his dad to put on the big boy pants. again, for him it was nothing too dramatic, it was not like he had a shoulder to cry on or a journal to write down his problems in-- he could not write for shit. instead of doing the average teenager shenanigans, dayton resorted to acting out in class, it did gain him his popularity, which was also a positive outlook due to that fact that he made his time in school enjoyable. it was nothing compared to his home life where he normally just barricaded himself in his room, making balls of paper to throw in his trashcan as he listened to the typical indie music his mom had left over on her old vinyl's. since dayton has moved out of his home- actually to a whole different state now, he has personally felt more mature. he still loves to goof off, but it is more so for the benefit of himself. dayton's dad always questioned whether the loss of a family member was actually getting to him and that was why he tried so hard to be someone in the like of others, or that is was just who he was. dayton himself still has to think about that concept. he never did like to talk about himself with others, he felt as if no one would listen. all of that is behind him though and for one, he certainly does not like to dwell on his past. for now, he seeks more adventure. in all means, he wants someone to take him places and vise versa, he wants to do more than just pout and prosper what could be his life if he wasn't someone he isn't. dayton no longer wants to be seen as the obnoxious goofball blonde haired kid in the back of the room, but someone people want to listen to, someone who others are wiling to take advice from and listen to. who knows, maybe dayton will always be the nobody kid trying to hard to fit in.. or maybe one of these days he will find someone who completes him and helps him find .. well... himself really. 


age: 21

sexuality: flexamorous (has the capability of falling in love with either gender, does not think of his sexuality being determined by pleasure from the person). 

relationship status: single and not looking at the moment ... or is he?

likes: ps4 (which is way better than xbox), the sound of rain, and late night drives

dislikes: assigned readings, those who pretend to be dumb, any sort of crime show

siblings: none he is an only child

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