Duncan and Courtney

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So... the original OTP. The shipping that stands strong today and a fanbase that wants the head of a certain goth girl for being somewhat responsible for its destruction. So wait do I think of this shipping? Well... I don't like it and honestly I never really did.

Now hold on, before I get a bunch of angry fans on board to try to murder me for even considering having a negative opinion, just hear me out!

This couple is as cliched as it can get. Oh of course the by the book girl is going to fall for the criminal, but it also misunderstood. I swear this is just so predictable. It was meh in season one, kinda cliched, kinda predictable, but nothing harmless. Then came season two. Courtney just uses Duncan constantly to her own advantage, probably not even giving a crap about him. Then she writes a letter on things he must do to please her. Part of her 'karma' was to have him leave her but they just get back together again two episodes later. They're the on and off relationship I couldn't give a damn about.

Then there was season three... oh boy, how this couple just crashed in season three. Duncan is absent for a while and when he returns it's revealed that he actually has feelings for Gwen instead (more on that later to come) yet he refuses to tell Courtney that he's not even into her anymore, meanwhile Courtney makes a huge fucking list of what to change about him so he'd be "perfect" at least to her. I'm sorry darling. But if you need a list that big, he's probably not the guy for you. Then Tyler reveals what Duncan and Gwen were up to and Courtney immediately ends whatever they had.

In fact, one of the things I actually thought was an improvement in All Stars was Courtney's feelings about Duncan, that being that they no longer exist. I know I'm definitely not a fan of Courtney and I like Duncan, but Courtney has a legitimate reason to just leave him. He cheated on her and she knows that he really dosen't care about her anymore so why should she? So honestly, in my opinion, the best thing about this couple... is how Courtney takes it two seasons after she ends it for good. Duncney fans can try to change whatever they want, but I feel it's best for the both of them that it's leg and forgotten. Why drag something back into the mud again? You're only just going to hurt them even more.

So yeah, I honestly do not like this couple at all. Quite frankly, I can't really see the huge appeal behind it. Oh but do please enlighten me on how wrong I am.

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