Chapter 2

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"I knew you wouldn't come voluntarily," he said. I pulled at my restraints staring at my captor. "So I had to go to take you," he said like he cared.
"Let me go!" I said.
"I need your help."
"Why would I help you?"
"I'll show you," he said calmly as he grabbed my wrist pulling me up out of my chair. I stared at him as he walked me out the door.
"First things first," he said smiling at me, "I'm Robbin Hood's son."
I stared at him confused.
"I'm not kidding. How else do you explain all this? I need your help with finishing something." I just stared.
"Robin Hood sells knowledge. If you knew the whole story he isn't that good of a guy anymore. He finds out the deepest darkest secrets from the rich. Then either sells them to other rich people or blackmails the person who the secret is about. He usually ends up with a bunch of money."
I stood there staring at him. "Robbin Hood? The real Robbin Hood?"
"Ever heard of the Grimm brothers?" I nodded. "All their stories came through my dad, they were one of us. Dad sold them stories and he kept their secret safe. One day he had the best story, also his last story. He wanted back something more than money. He told them to write his story but make him a good guy. They wrote his story and he approved of it. Then they died. Three weeks after they wrote dad's story he sold them out. They were executed." 
"This can't be real. This is all a dream, I'm going to wake up soon."
He just led me on. Soon we came to a huge castle. "Welcome to my home." I tried to pull away but he was too strong.
"Please just let me go. I won't tell anyone I swear!" I say. He lets go of my arm.
"Go ahead try to find your way home," he challenged. I looked around and I had no clue where I was. "Why aren't you running, don't you know the way?" he smirked," and that is why your going to help me. You help me, I take you home. You don't help, well I'll let you go right now and you see how far you get."
I knew I had no other option so I let him lead me into the castle. I listened to the echo of my footsteps bouncing off the walls. He sat me down on a bench in the hallway. I heard footsteps come down the hall and a man came into my view.
"Gabriella?" the man asked. "What are you doing here?"
"Robin Hood?" I asked. Why did I say that, I thought. It was like I wasn't in control for a second.
"Smart," he said smiling, "How are you doing, Gabriella?"
"How do you know my name?" I asked. He just smiled. Robin Hood nodded at Derrick.
"I'm sorry Gabby," he whispered. Then I felt a sharp pain in my back. I turned to Derrick who threw aside a needle. The world got fuzzy and I collapsed into his arms. He sighed at me as I blacked out.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I slowly woke up but kept my eyes closed. I heard fighting. "Why did you bring her here?" growled a voice that sounded a lot like Robin Hood.
"Dad it's time!" yelled Derrick.
"If she found out...." Robin Hood murmured.
"She has to know sometime!"
"Yes sometime! Not now! She's not even 16 yet!" I slowly opened my eyes.
"That's not why I brought her here," Derrick sighed. I sat up. Pain shooting through my body.
"She's awake," Robin whispered. Derrick walked into the room.
"Sorry for the inconvenience," he said glaring at Robin. Robin just shook his head and sighed. Derrick leaned toward me. I leaned away from him the bed squeaking under the shift of my weight. He stood up straight again. I hugged my chest and I realized something. I was not wearing the same clothes that I had before. I looked down at the night gown I was wearing.
They both looked at me. I ran my fingers through my hair which I found surprisingly wet.
"Wait, STOP!" I cried. "You bathed me! And changed my clothes!"
My mouth was gaping open. He held out his hand.
"I'm not taking that." I growled standing up. He stuffed his hand in his pocket. "What do I have to help you do? I want to hurry up and get this nightmare over with."
"I told you were finishing business," Derrick said.
"Finishing what? Neither of you look concerned."
"We don't need to be we have a lot of time before something goes wrong, we think," he murmured the last part but I still heard him. "You think! So we may die?" I asked.
"What no I never said anything about dying!"
"Yes but you said something is going to go wrong."
"Not if we stop it."
"Well then let's get going."
"Not yet it's late, we will tomorrow."
"Fine tomorrow, but I have some rules."
"Go ahead."
"You cannot no WILL NOT put me to sleep again!" I said stabbing his chest with my finger.
"That wasn't my fault," he sighed.
"Of course," I mocked.
"Gabby I'm serious. Robins nice and all but he has power beyond compare."
Then there was a knock on the door. Robbin popped his head in. So Derrick left. I remembered Derricks warning.
"Dinners at five," he said pointing at the grandfather clock in the corner, feel free to explore." He left the room with that and I waited a few minutes. The house must have some information about either of them. I wanted to know who these people were. I open the door the squeal of the hinges echoing in the hallway. While walking through the million halls I did some thinking. I came to the conclusion that if Derrick is magic then Robin is too. If any of this they've told me is true, well. My goal was to find out 3 things before I left with Derrick tomorrow morning.
1) Why did Derrick want me to help him?
2) What is it we're finishing?
3) If there's another way home?
I didn't notice I was doing it, but as I walked down the hall I was mindlessly grabbing the torches on the wall. I noticed I was doing it when I heard a loud groaning noise. I looked at the turned torch on the wall then back at the opening behind me. "No way," I whispered. I found myself debating wether to go in or not, but then as if there was a missing piece in time I was inside of the opening without even remembering walking in.
As cliché as this sounds as soon as I tuned around the wall closed back up. It was pitch black, can't see your hand in front off your face black. I felt along the wall trying to find a way out. My hand rubbed up against something cold and metal. A doorknob!!! I opened the door to find a dimly lit hallway. I silently shut the door behind me.
The hallway was freezing. My bare feet cold against the linoleum. I looked around for a light source but it just looked like the light was coming out of nowhere. A loud chime echoed through the hallway. I spun around I was expecting to see the door. All that was there was an endless hallway.
I decided my best chance to get out was to keep going until I run into something. I walked and walked and walked.
I wondered that if I didn't show up for dinner they would come looking for me. Or all made sense now. Derricks warning, Robin telling me to explore. Robin called me smart. Robin wanted me to find this because he knew it was impossible to get out! He wanted me to be trapped in here. I felt like an idiot. Just as I was about to give up I came to a dead end. I leaned up against the wall sighing. Then I heard a buzzing noise as a red laser scanned my face. "Access approved," a loud mechanical voice said. I gaped at the wall, well what used to be a wall. It was a small room with no doors or windows. I stepped through the doorway into the torch light.
"Now, now," said a voice. I spun to see Robin standing in the corner. An evil smirk on his face. "You are a bright one. I didn't expect you to find this. Maybe Derrick was right, maybe you are ready." I just stood there staring at him. He laughed a very hearty laugh. "Gabriella, why in the world are you scared of me?"
"I'm not scared," I lied.
"Oh dear I'm not stupid, your eyes are very scared. I understand this is new for you. You don't know us, you have no reason to trust us. So would you like to find out what's going on? Would that help?" Robin said.
"You are going to tell me why I'm here?" I asked.
"Well you deserve to know don't you? Yes of course you do. Trust me you will find out all soon enough. You will be home in no time."
He smiled again. "Let's get you some answers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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