Tay Tay & Prodigy~ Will You Be Mine Forever

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 name- Tay Tay

mb boy- prod

can it be long and some freaky if your comfortable


Ok so you and prodigy have been goin out since you were in 5th grade so for about 7 years. Today is your 7 year anniversary and he is taking you out for a day of activites and stuff. 

(Prod POV)

My thoughts: Ok today has to be speacial i got to pack something things

He packs some things into and nike draw string bag and looks for his phone. When he finds it he starts to text you.


Love Her: Hey beautiful

Love Him: Haii Handsome

Love Her: O stawwwp* blushes* lol

Love Him: lol

Love Her: Well i have some surprises for you today so i need you to pack

Love Him: ooo yay i get to run away for a bit

Love Her: lol. Well pack a bikini, pj, and a party dress/dinner dress

Love Him: Ok  i know what just to bring.

Love Her: Tay Plz just bring what you need ok Everytime i same pack a little you pack like we gon move to china.

Love Him: Ok :(

Love Her: O im sorry ma love didnt mean to make you sad

Love Him; jk but guess what

Love Her: Wat

Love Him: Bi*ch dont kill my vibe

Love Her: lol ok bye luv o and happy 7th Year

Love Him: da same i Love you

Love Her: I love too be ready by 4pm k imma pick u up

Love Him; k see you then


(Tay Tay POV)

You go into your closet and look for your Bandeau Dress. You find it next to your candy cane striped bikini and you grabed both. you get on your knees and look for your lace heels and flip flops. you grab them and crawl out of the closet. You go to your dresser and look thourgh your jewerly box and  get your red bangles, White tasel earrings and bow headband. you look under your bed for your purse box and search thourgh the box and find your white clutch. You do your make up and hair in a ponytail. You get into the shower and bathe twice and get out lotion yourself with cherry blossom and vanilla lotion(prods fave). You walk into your room and put on your bikini and some jeans and a crop top. Then you here a car horn beep. You Look at the clock its 4;30pm 

My thoughts: Damn did i really miss that?

you grab your pjs and some slippers and throw everything into a gucci bag and run downstairs. Prod gets out the car and helps you in such a gentlemen and he drives awaty from the house. He is shirtless with swimming trunks on

Me: Hey babe *kisses his cheeck*

Prod: *stops at a stop light and kisses her long passinatly untl light turns green* hey

you laugh

Me: well you look hawt i mean lik damn bae

Prod: i know right

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