Chapter One: Dreams

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On a cold February night, around one am, you wake up, feeling tired from ballerina practice. You notice your window was open slightly ajar. You sigh, and slowly get up to close it. As you shut it, you feel a gust of wind hit your body as your door open.
Standing at the door was Christine.
As you try to figure out the words to explain why you are only in your bra and shorts, she smiles.
"Miss.(Y/N). Make sure to rest up, as it is your--our--big day tomorrow. Raoul will be attending, so please make sure you don't mess up."
You knew what she was referring to, you accidentally tripped a girl in a routine and broke her ankle.
"I-I promise Miss.Daee. I won't let you down, or the Phan-"
You were stopped abruptly as Christine runs and covers your mouth.
You struggle, then gently stop.
She glares at you, her eyes piercing deep into your eyes. This looks gives you shivers.
"Don't you speak of HIS name. Don't talk to him. Don't ever listen to him! If you ever bring him up again, I will send someone to take you where I found you."
You nod and gently, and breathe heavily as she lets go of you, and leaves.
"Why must I not speak of the Phantom of the Opera? I know your story Christine. But he doesn't scare me. I just wonder if I will ever meet him."
You sigh and turn around. As you are about to crawl into bed, you find a red rose with a black lace bow on it.
"Where...did this come from?" You said, feeling nervous. You gently place the rose on your bedside table, and you lay in bed.
In your dreams, you hear a man singing. His voice sounds beautiful. You cannot catch up to him, no matter what.
"Sing to me..." His voice called out.
"I am forbidden to sing. That is Miss.Daee's jo-"
"SING TO ME!" He screamed, and music started playing.
You knew what song it was. It was Think Of Me. Christine's main song.
"Okay...I will sing." You say into the darkness.
As you sing the words you have heard a thousand times a day, the music slowly faded, and you see a face.
Half of his face was covered in a white mask. The other half was handsome. He had a beautiful brown eye, andbrown hair. He had a gentle smile on his face. A smile that made you quiver.
"P...Phantom..." Was all you could mutter, until he put his finger over your lips.
"Just sing, (Y/N). It is beautiful." He whispers and disappears once again.
As you continue to sing, he joins with you, making your heart race.
"I will guide you, (Y/N). Just promise me you won't do what SHE did."
Your mind races, remembering the stories of what happened.
"I will come tomorrow when you dream, I want your answer then."
You feel yourself nod, and as you were about to speak, your light flickers on and you wake up.
As you see, Meg had awoken you. She said gently, "Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes." And then the left to wake the next dancer up.
You were drenched in sweat, and your hair was stuck to your skin. You wear breathing heavily and you sigh. "He visited me..." You don't know what to do about that, but you decide what your answer will be...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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