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"No Kalin I have to go." I argued as I put my bag over my shoulder and grabbed an apple. 

"Please just stay home for today, I haven't seen you in almost 2 months." 

"Babe" I placed my forehead against his "I have responsibilities now, I get done with work at 3:30 and then Im all yours." I kissed his forehead. 

He pouted. "Ok well at least let me drive you to school." 

"K then you'd have to pick me up and take me to work." I said annoyed, I was gonna be late soon. 

"Ill pick you up at exactly 11 and take you to work." 

"Ok fine, but we gotta go." I rushed to the garage. "Bye Tay!" I yelled "Oh and Myles and Cam!" I laughed, I was so use to only saying goodbye to Taylour and occasionally Dom. 

We got into the Rover and drove to my school, it was about 15mins away but LA traffic sucked in the morning. Kalin thankfully knew a faster way and was able to get us there only a few minutes late. 

"Ill see you at 11." I said as I gathered my stuff.

"Bye baby, Ill see you then." He kissed me as I got out.

 He rolled down the window as I walked away "Ayy! and you look fine as hell today too." He shouted so everyone could hear. I blushed and laughed to myself as I entered the school. 

School ticked along slowly, finally when it hit 11 I walked out the doors and immediately found Kalin. I felt like a little middle schooler being picked up from school by their parent. 

I opened the door and Kalin sat in the drivers seat smiling. I looked down at the seat and a chipotle bowl sat with a bag of chips and guac on top. My face lit up as I looked up at him. 

"Babeee." I gushed. I moved the food so I could get in the car and shut the door. I leaned over and gave him a kiss. "Thank you." I smiled as I dug into the food and he started driving. 

"How was school?" he asked.

"It was good, we learned how to properly heat and cook soups."

He laughed. "You're so cute." 

"What did you do this morning?" I asked 

"Woke up Myles so we could work on some new music, and then played volleyball with Tay after she got back from filming." 

"How'd the volleyball go?" I giggled 

He stiffened a bit and then turned to me "The girl can hit... hard." He looked terrified. 

I burst out laughing "I know she can, you must have caught her at a bad time." 

"Well she asked me to play!" He complained. 

We pulled up into the In n Out parking lot, I finished my bowl since I still had about 15mins. 

"So Thanksgiving is coming up soon." Kalin spoke up, I nodded. 

"What are you thinking you want to do?" 

"Havent really thought about it." I said as I resealed the bowl and threw it in the bag. "Have you?" 

"Yea." He fiddled his thumbs. "I was thinking we could fly up to Washington and spend it with your family."

My heart burst "Are you kidding!?" I laughed happily. 

"If your familys up for it I wanna fly us up there." 

"Oh my god Kalin!" I hugged him over the cars console, tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about Kalin meeting my family.

"Dont cry baby girl." He whispered. "I love you so much." He said as he kissed my neck.  

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