Chapter 7

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**Bolded text = Ape language**

We settled into a calm pace as we walked through the jungle. The rhythm was only disturbed by the occasional leap over fallen logs, feet slightly sinking into the squishy mud, or the stopping to hear if anything was approaching. I had to admit, I was impressed with Tarzan. He knew the ways of the jungle, just as I did. He knew the sounds, the screeches, the plants, and the smells. His senses were heightened and he looked dangerously calm. I still didn't know where we were going, and I did not plan on asking. I trusted him, which was strange. I was disobeying my father. He had always said to never trust anyone but yourself. I was raised on one principle: the jungle was dangerous. It consumes everything. That was what I always had to remember. I was never truly safe. None of us were.

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized Tarzan had stopped walking in front of me. I collided into his back, and stumbled moderately. He hadn't even flinched. Being a giant had it's perks. He turned around smiling, his cold fiery eyes on mine. Flushing, I regained my posture, adjusting the tattered cloth covering the upper half of my body. As I thought about it, I realized I had worn this garment forever. For as long as I could remember. Mondolov had said it came with me when I was newly born. It was darker than my skin, a soft brown which had been bleached by the sun's unforgiving rays. It was frayed along the edges and a large tear could be found from the bottom at mid-thigh to my hip bone. The top of the attire sunk low upon my chest, allowing my feminine qualities to be slightly visible. When I was a juvenile first practicing the ways of the jungle, I was careless and had caught a strap on a branch, yanking it from the stitch. To this day, it hangs down my chest, so the dress was only supported on one shoulder. 

Suddenly aware of my reminiscence, I cautiously met eyes with the seemingly amused male in front of me. I had to stop thinking...It was making me seem careless...or slow in the mind. Huffing, I motioned for him to continue, and to my surprise, he did not budge. After a few seconds, I motioned again with my arms, beckoning again for him to persist. He folded his muscular arms across his broad chest in response. I hissed in frustration. What was wrong with him? Perhaps HE was slow in the head. I felt small under his intense gaze and began pulling at my mane self-consciously. What was his problem? I feared I could not walk away from him, for I knew not where I was going. We waited in silence...

Then he suddenly leaped from his position, and gently took the piece of hair from my fingertips. He studied it closely, eyes squinting in frustration, or possibly confusion. I couldn't tell. He was grunting softly as he slowly began to circle my body, his face burying into my fur. Smelling, stroking, and twirling, he purred when he found his way in front of me. He had something he wanted to say now.

"Your is different," he twirled a section around his long finger, "The is different from any ape that I have seen." He awaited my reaction expectantly, a dark lustrous gaze igniting the air between us, and I had to fight not melting from his voice. He licked his lips as he spoke, wetting the chapped skin. I smiled brightly.

"If mine is different, then yours is too. I mean look at it...the color of the sun." I reached up upon my tiptoes, playing with a blonde lock of hair at his shoulder. It was softer than I had imagined and was matted like mine. I picked a small leaf out of it, letting it float from my fingertips, giggling. He laughed too. His firm jaw set itself, and I found myself feeling that warm feeling. It spread from my chest to my arms and I felt it in my cheeks. It felt...nice. I wonder if Tarzan felt this too.

He seemed to have wanted to say something, but an unknown force stopped him. For when he opened his mouth, light in his eyes, he then closed it with a gulp of his mighty Adam's apple. The moment was over, I feared; the warmth disappeared along with his presence. 

Why did he do this? Why did he always sever these moments?

I stepped to follow, but was soon blocked by a large chest. He bent forward, looking into my eyes, noses touching, his hot breath fanning across my face. My breathed hitched. He smirked, grabbed my right hand with his left, and looked at my claws. He skeptically laughed with...glee? He placed our palms together, spreading his fingers along with my own, and I was astonished by the sight. We were the same. The same skin. The same fingers. My father had tried to make this same point. I quickly collected myself under his intense gaze. I smiled with the new knowledge soaking into my mind. 

"Come, Lili. I must show you to my family." he grunted with passion lacing each syllable. Tarzan backed away steadily, pulling me alongside him with our interlocked fingers. We ran through the wild jungle, as wild creatures would have. Free and untamed and untouched by the night. He said we would reach them by dawn.


Just a little development. The actual story line will pick up the pace soon ;) I will update Friday night!!

Thank you all for your support :) Please comment and tell me your thoughts :) 

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