1.1 - A Hard First Day

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You'll find that I enjoy putting my own sort of twist/original chapter parts in. [You'll know if you read any of my latest stories lol]

Vampire Dairies Fanfic | Dawn of a New Day | 1.1 - A Hard First Day

"Liv, come on, wake up!" Elena called through her sister's bedroom door, banging on it at the same time. She was all ready and dressed for the day, it was usually up to her these days to make sure her little brother and twin got up at the right time. It didn't always used to be up to her though, usually it was Olivia that liked to wake Jeremy up and then her – but lately, she's become more distant. Less seen around the house and all she really did these days was hide away in her room.

She really missed her twin.

Inside the bedroom, Olivia was sitting cross-legged on the bed still in her pyjamas, staring at the door. Her diary was laying in her lap, just having finished writing her latest diary entry. She let out a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Today was the day – the first day back at school. The day she had been dreading for months.

"I'm up, Lena!" Olivia called back, letting her twin know she was indeed up and alive. Olivia knew she's been a lot more distant lately, but this was only due to the fact that her blood lust was very bad, pretty much all the time. And for some reason; Elena smelled delicious – it was so bad she could smell it from a mile away. Her dead heart clenched at the thought – it was painful to even think about it.

"Well hurry up!" From what she could tell, Elena was heading down the stairs. "Bonnie will be here any moment!"

Olivia turned her head to look at the clock – her eyebrows raised in surprise, Bonnie would indeed be here in about 10 minutes to drive them to school. She liked Bonnie, they were good friends – but Caroline was the one who she'd called her best friend. It was like this; Bonnie and Elena – Olivia and Caroline. But they got along together pretty good. Olivia had noticed at times though that Bonnie and Elena wouldn't give Caroline much credit, so it did annoy just a tiny bit.

With a sigh, she got herself out of bed and rushed over to her cupboard, grabbing the usual clothing she'd wear for school. Most of the time it was jeans and casual top, and if it was cold, a sweater would come in handy. But it didn't really matter anymore because of her vampire state, she could pretty much walk outside in her underwear and not feel a thing. Not that she ever would of course.

Before she went into the bathroom to get ready, she chugged down a sac of blood she had originally stolen from the hospital about a week ago. When it came to blood, she did semi-rely on blood bags but occasionally, she did make trips out into the forest to have some animal blood in her system. Those days would only really come if her supply stock was running very low.

~ 8 ~

Olivia was just walking into the kitchen when her Aunt stated, "Toast ... I can make toast." Elena was making herself a cup of coffee, pouring it into the large mug in her hand.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." She commented, tiredly blinking. Sometimes she really hated mornings, much like her sister used to.

Being a vampire didn't really require sleep, it was just a nice thing to do.

It was then that Elena saw her sister appear and she jumped in her skin, not having heard her come downstairs. "Wow, Liv, where'd you come from?" She teased. Suddenly she felt a little more awake, all thanks to her twin.

Olivia sent her a small smile having found that sight amusing, "From my room." She retorted, moving over to one of the kitchen cupboards to pour herself some cereal. As she passed her Aunt, she made sure not to get too close. Not really having much experience with physical contact to human skin for a while now, because whenever she did, she could practically feel the blood pumping in that person's veins. Another reason as to why she liked to keep her distance from her family.

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