A good look into the mirror

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The perseption of ourselves is weird.
Have you ever looked at a mirror and see your reflection looking back at you. Then, instead of the usual quick scan of your familiar face on the image proyected by the mirror... you actually take conciousness of whats in front of you. That human at the other side of the mirror is... well you.
Then you realize with a mix of horror and surprise that, that face looking back at you, has actually a bigger nose and a more chisled chin that you thought of.
So you wonder... how would that face look with my usual facial expressions? So you do them all infront of the mirror, watching as the image infront of you mimics your actions and slowly you come to the realization that your expressions arent nearly as funny and exaggerated as you thought they were... but you can live with that.
Then you go for a simple smile, and as you freeze that image and study carefully those eyes and teeth in front of you; your conciousness starts to function and the gears in your brain turn, you try to make out if those eyes staring back at you, are thinking the same as you are.And suddenly those familiar eyes and warm smile that you know so well... are unknown.
Sure its familiar. But its not you.
You arent that, your reflection doesnt reflects how you think and who you are, that image infront of you is a lousy representation of you with your same clothes.
So you look away... embarrassed because you were staring at someone else so intendedly... and you think:
If thats not me. Then who the hell am I?

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