Chapter Five

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Daddy and I got to the hospital as fast as we could. They expected us at the front desk, and we were greeted by the doctor treating Lorraine. "My name is Dr. Fredrickson. I've been treating Lorraine -"
"I don't care!" I interrupted, a bit of my mean nastiness coming back for a short second. "Is she still alive?"
"She is," replied Dr Fredrickson.
"Take me to her!" I demanded. 
He took us to her room, but before he opened the door he gave us a warning. "She's hooked up to quite a few machines, so it may seem a little scary."
I didn't care. I had things I needed to tell her. I went inside, and stopped dead in my tracks. Seeing Lorraine hooked up to machines certainly freaked me out, and seeing Oceanus at her bedside sobbing like a baby did nothing to help. I hurried to her and took her hand. She opened her eyes, looked at me, and smiled. Fortunately, the breathing tubes were hooked up to her nose rather than her mouth, so she and I could still talk. "Carli, dear," she whispered wheezily. "I'd like to have a personal word with you."

Daddy and Oceanus left. Lorraine let me tell her everything I needed to, and she listened politely to what I had to say. I thanked her for introducing me to music, teaching me how to be happy, introducing me to Oceanus, etc. When I got everything out, she asked me a simple three word question. "Are you happy?"
I nodded, tears pouring down my cheeks. "I've learned so much from you and Oceanus."
"Think of the person you were before you met us," she said. "Was that who you truly were?"
"No," I said. "I know exactly who I am."
She gestured toward a mirror on the wall. "Look in that mirror, Carli."
I did. I looked right in that mirror. I saw my blonde hair and heavy makeup ruined with tears, and came to a stunning realization.
"This, this still isn't me...."
"Who do you think you are?"
"I - I'm a fun, energetic person," I said. "I love the color purple, I love music, and I love Oceanus."
Lorraine reached into a small satchel by her side. She pulled out a hundred dollar bill, and handed it to me. "Take this, and get a makeover that expresses who you really are. That's my final wish for you, Carli." 
I wiped my eyes and took the bill. "Thank you," I whispered. "I love you, Lorraine."
"I love you too, dear."

The next day, I told Daddy to drop me off at the local hair salon. When he asked me why, I told him I needed a fresh start for the future. He agreed, dropped me off, and said he'd be back in an hour. I went inside and sat down in the stylist's chair. "What can I do for you today?" she asked. 
"I want my hair cut into a deathhawk," I said. "Then I want it dyed bright purple."
Her eyebrows went up. "Okay, uh, sure..."
   I gazed into the mirror, and I felt the nasty person I had been before slowly die with every strand of hair that fell to the floor. I felt new beginnings arrive as the dye was applied. And the moment after the access was washed out, my hair was blowdryed, and I was presented with the final product, I let out a sigh of relief. I felt more comfortable with myself than I had in a long time.

I paid for my haircut and left. The moment I got outside I sat down on the sidewalk and proceeded to cry. I cried when Daddy, who was surprised but not unhappy with my new hairdo, came to get me. I cried throughout the car ride home. When we got there, I went to my bedroom and cried some more. I must've cried longer  than I had in my entire life.

I guess I cried all my tears then and there, because the next day I didn't even sniffle when Daddy told me Lorraine had passed away. Fortunately, Oceanus wasn't there to see her die, and Daddy and I went to pick him up from the hospital. When we got there we found him in a room with a psychologist. He was sitting silently, gazing at the wall, while the psychologist tried to calm him down. I was freaked out. Oceanus was usually so lively and energetic, and seeing him so depressed made me feel the exact same way. I sat down at his side and pulled him into my arms. He cried on my shoulder for a little while, and I stroked his hair and let him get his emotions out. After he finally stopped, we took him home.

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