bit bout mehshelf:P

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  • Dedicated to Lily, my wife:P


Hi, i'm april. umm, i'm a bubbly, cheerful kinda lass and i'd say i'm fairly virtuoso.

i adore (emphesize that:L) the wanted. they're basically a HUGE CHUNK of my life.

i've got VIP tickets for February. Which means I get the VIP features; (duh:L)

• Meet + Greet

• Front Viewing - standing area

• Exclusive T-Shirt

• Exclusive signed poster

•  Exclusive souveneir laminate

So as you can see, i'm living the dream(: I also LAAV the saturdays. they're laaash!:)


~ just a bit about me...thanks for reading!:D

bit bout mehshelf:PWhere stories live. Discover now