Scarlet Blackwood is a normal human with a normal life with a normal family and with normal friends but that won't even last long enough
Hunter Crowley is no ordinary boy he lives in a life full of lies and depression but also a life of popularity...
"OMG did you hear there's gunna be a party" my friend May said she always looking for a party to go to but she always gets drunk then I have to lie and take care of her– ughhhhhhh "no, no more party's I always have to take care of you and I don't need that right now ok" she looked at me with a puppy dog face but they never work on me "you know those never work on me right" she keeped trying until the bell rang I closed my locker and began to walk backwards until I slammed into something..... Wait no someone. I fell on my butt "oh I'm sorry you ok" I looked up and saw two beautiful blue greenish eyes. I got up and dusted myself off "um I'm ok sorry for bumping into you" I looked down so I could collect my books "um it's ok oh um let me help you with that" I took everything from his hands and left well that was really awkward wasn't it I thought to myself I ran into class and sat down " hey can you please come to the party with me my mum said I can go but with you so how bout it" I looked at her and I was shocked does she think I would say yes " yes bu—" " yeah ok meet me at my house and will change there oh an–" I cut her off before she can finish "hold up I said yes BUT you can't get drunk if you do I'll leave you " she look at me like I was crazy and was about to hit me "bu-" I cut her off " no buts take it or leave it girl" she murmured something under her breath that i couldn't make out " what was that couldn't hear you" I repeated "I said fine" I smiled and payed attention to the teacher. ----------------------------------------
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"Hey I'm here were are you" I looked around for her and find her in her room "hey I'm here um are you ready" she looked at me and she was wearing a gold dress that reach her thighs and some black heels " hey gi- what the heck to the h are you wearing I looked down I had on a white shirts on with some jeans and converse " um my party outfit" she look at me like I just murder someone "no it's not I'm gunna change you" she went to her closet and pulled out a white lacy dress "here but this on" I took off my shirt and jeans and changed "oh and but theses shoes on" she handed me some combat boots I but them on she then threw me a leather jacket " there you look great let me do your makeup" I sat down and closed my eyes once she was done I looked myself in the mirror I had red lips and mascara on my face and I look nice "ok now for your hair" she plugged in the curling iron once it was heated she curled my hair once she was done with that I got up and looked at myself. I looked beautiful my hair looked great and the outfit complimented my curves and the boots complete the whole outfit I was surprised "omg you look so good " I looked at the time and it was 9:45 the party stared at 10:05 so we had 19 mins and the place we were going to was far away "um we have to go if we're going to make it in time" she looked at the time " yeah we're gunna be so late!" We went downstairs out the door and into her car
skip to party
once we got there the party was already started and there were little drinks left which is good "hey I'm gunna go say hi go have fun" I looked at her and nodded "K I'll have fun don't get drunk like I said I'll leave you" I looked her straight in the eye "ok ok ok I won't " I let her leave and went inside of the dancing animals. As I was standing there I felt like someone was staring at me I looked around but found no one I saw a car pull up and out came skyler, Mia, and hunter the guy I bumped into today as skyler left hunter and Mia was talking to Finn he was left alone I looked away from him and just stood there as I did I felt someone watching me I turn around and hunter was in front of me I jumped and backed away a bit " hey your name is scarlet right " I nodded my head "um yeah scarlet Blackwood " as I was talking I felt this weird energy " um I have to find my friend so um" I think he got the message because he just straight up left well this was even wireder then before I thought to myself.
I got up and went to look for May I saw her dancing on some dude I grabbed her arm and took her out of the crowd "May I told you not get drunk " she had this mad look on her face " what I can't have some fun to it's a party care to join me " I was beyond mad I let go of her arm "fine have fun but you can fine someone else to take care of you cause I'm done" with that I left the blood in me was boiling I told her that's what she gets as I walked further I saw two cars oh god tell me it's not a car crash I looked again and saw someone get out it was hunter what happened as he got out there was someone behind him but I didn't recognize him as I got closer but the door of the other car flew off what the hell was that I stopped dead in my tracks hunter looked up and saw me I didn't know what to do I backed up and ran as fast as I could and didn't look back as I opened my house and locked it I thought to myself what happened and how did hunter do that ? -------------------------------------------
I hoped you liked the first chapter I'm not that Good at writing books so yeah well byeeeee