Scarlet Blackwood is a normal human with a normal life with a normal family and with normal friends but that won't even last long enough
Hunter Crowley is no ordinary boy he lives in a life full of lies and depression but also a life of popularity...
(Scarlets outfit at the top for the party) Let's do this shall we, we shall
Scarlets POV I wake up screaming I look around and try to control my breathing "HONEY ARE YOU OK" I look at my door and see my mom there with a worried look on her face "yeah mom it was just a nightmare" oh yeah just a nightmare with you screaming your head off "well sweetie are you sure you were screaming really loud are you sure your ok" I'm not sure if anything anymore really "yeah I'm ok like I said a dream" I give her a weak smile and turn off my lights and go to bed.
Skip to morning I woke up with a burning sensation in my arm I run to the bathroom turn on the sink and wash the pain away with water I look at my arm and see a red circle in my arm and it looks swollen I grab some ointment put it an my arm and head downstairs for breakfast "mom dad are you here?" I look around and don't find them I call both of them but they don't answer I guess there at a meeting or something I go into the kitchen and make myself some cereal with a chocolate shake once I finish I change into my walking dead shirt and yoga pants sit down and watch tv. After a few minutes of watching tv I start getting board as I keep on watching tv I get a text message for a unknown number I read the text and text back
????: hey want to come over and talk Scarlet: who is this?!?!?! ????: it's me hunter Crowley sorry I sound like you've had my number the entire time Scarlet: oh hey hunter! Yeah I was kind of confused how did you get my number? Hunter: hahaha oh well May gave me your number I kind of wanted to talk to you. Scarlet:oh well sure I'll see you there I guess Hunter: ok see you later bye Scarlet:bye
I get up turn off the tv go into my and change into some red skinny jeans a black shirt and black vans I put on my necklace that belonged to my great grandmother I don't know be this necklace had always been my favorite
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It was always special to me I don't know why anyway I put it on grab my bag a leave to hunters house skip to hunters house once I got there I knock on his and waited. The door opened and out came Celia "oh hey is hunter here he told me to come over" she looked at me and smiled "yeah he's here he's upstairs in his room" I nod and walk in "thanks oh and by the way happy birthday" I give her a hug and smile at her "oh thanks" I wave at her and head upstairs I go into the hallway and look for hunters room I look in all three bedrooms but they just ended up being his parents bedroom and Celia's room I go to the end of the hallway and knock on the door I hear footsteps and the door opens and there stands hunter "hey your here" I smile at him and he smiles at me. He opens the door wider and he lets me in "yeah i thought that we could hang out since I was kind of board at my house" he laughs and he sits on his bed "oh and happy birthday by the way" he smiles and laughs "yeah the happiest" I look at him he seamed sad or made nervous "hey are you ok?" I sit down next to him and put my hand on his back as I do this I feel a spark between us he looks at me and whispers "I'm fine now that tour here" I look at his eyes and then at his lips he does the same. He slowly leans in I can feel his breath on my lips. As we were about to kiss we heard the door bell I jump up as fast as I could and brush my jeans of "sorry about that I should probable go home you know" he clears his throat and stands up "um sorry um yeah I guess" I open the door and I see Finn standing there "oh hey Finn I was just leaving" I walk past him I walk down the hall and go down stairs as I was about to go down I felt another burning sensation in my arm and it burned like hell I let go of the rail which was holding me which made me fall down the stairs "OH MY GOSH SCARLET" I hear Mia and and Celia say I hear the boys running down the hall then all I hear is hunter screaming ----------------------- Hunters POV As scarlet leaves Finn looks at both of us confused "what happened between you guys" I look at him and I start to get nervous "um in nothing nothing at all she came over to talk" I nod my head and look at him "ok well um I need to talk to you" I sit down and listen "well I wanted to know that why your anger is out of control its kind of you know more active" I look at him in confusion but them I start to under stand what he wants to know "Finn I am not gunna lose my mi- and that's when I hear it a Scream and tumbling. I look at Finn and he looks at me "OH MY GOSH SCARLET" I hear both Celia and Mia say me and Finn run down the hallway and to were the stairs are I look down to see scarlet on the floor with her hand on her arm I look at her arm and there's this huge red spot on it. Before I could say anything my arm burned like I've been put in the oven and was being cooked I scream so loud that all there eyes go to me I fall on the floor grabbing my arm I look at it and see a huge red spot just like scars Finn comes over to me and looks at my arm and his eyes widen "water but water on it it help" I look at scarlet and shake my head "please get the water my arm is killing me" Celia and Mia get the water for scarlet and Finn gets the water for me he grabs a towel and a bowl of water he places the towel under my arm and slowly starts to put water on my arm. The burning feeling starts to go away slowly I look in between the rails and see scarlet getting water pored on her arm she calms down and closes her eyes I look at her and admire her Beauty I stand up and look at my arm it still red but is all cooled down I put the towel away and pore the rest of the water in the sink and place the bowl inter the sink I go to my room and Finn follows me once he's in my room I close the door and lay down on my bed that was one weird experience I look at Finn and he looks at me "well um anyway like I was saying before all that happened I am not turning evil and I will not give into the darkness" Finn nod his head and looks out the window "are you sure I mean what do you really know about you family history what do you really know about your moms death" I get up my hands in fists and and get up in Finns face "I know you probably shouldn't bring up touché subjects to someone you think is capable of distorting the world" I look at him and send him glares then Finn walks out and leaves. --------------------- Mia's POV After scarlet left me and Celia sat down and talked for a bit but she looked like she was thinking out something "hey Celia are you ok you seem sad" she looks at me and nods while smiling a bit "actually no not really I'm um worries about hunter" I turn my body so she has my full attention "last night blazer was in my room and hunter came In and he looked so anger and he was about to attack him but I stopped him I'm scared I've never seen him so mad before then I found this it was his journal" she hands me a black journal it had red and black ink on it I opened it and was horrified to see these awful looking drawings and words "Mia I don't know what to do I think hunters gunna do something at the party today" I look at her then I hear foot steps coming down I look up and see Finn coming down "come on Mia lets go" I look at Celia and nod at Finn "well be at the party what ever happens we'll be their" she nods her head I get you and close the door behind me "so how did it go with hunter" Finn sighs and looks at me "he got anger and offensive at me" I look at him and nod "what happened with Celia" I sigh "she said that he's gunna kill everyone at the party" "oh my god" "see I told you on his eighteen birthday" he looks at me and sighs "come on we don't want to be late for the party" we get in and we drive away. ---------------------------- Scarlets POV I was half way home when my phone started vibrate I looked down and saw that it was hunter I looked at the text and was surprised at what he said.