On the Road

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When we drove back into the highway, he pulls out his earphones from his pocket and puts one bud in his right ear.

"Quentin! What the hell?"


I yank the earbud out from his large ear, "You shouldn't drive with headphones on! It's illegal!"

"No it isn't." he tells me casually as he puts the earbud now in his left ear, "Not recommended? Yes. Illegal? Nope. There's a lot of things in Texas that may be wrong but are legal. For example, you can shoot someone who's on your property and you won't get arrested."

"Wait, so you can shoot and kill someone but you'd just get away with it?" I ask cluelessly.

He slightly shifts his eyes to me and says, "Possibly if it's on your property. I mean I've never shot a gun before."

I look at him with doubt. "You've never shot a gun before?"



"But I've killed someone before." He says as he mischievously smirks. I look at him with faux fear and then he quickly says, "I'm just kidding."

I sigh with relief but he adds, "But I've stabbed someone before." What the... Quentin!

"Can you tell me the story about that, please?" I ask since I was curious.

"Hmm... Maybe another time. But my point is," Wow. He can remember what we were talking about a few minutes ago even if the subject somewhat changed but he can't remember that I'm 5'2, "Wearing headphones while driving is not illegal but it's frowned upon."

I roll my eyes. I can't believe I'm riding with someone who doesn't drive safely. I turn on the radio and I blasted the music all the way up.

"No! Music is distracting. Turn it off!" he says as we start laughing.

"It's safer than headphones" I tell him in a know-it all fashion. Then, the radio started playing "Shut Up and Dance With Me".

"I love this song!" I said excitedly.

"I do too. It's actually on my phone, along with 'Photograph'."

And like normal weird teenagers do, we begin singing along and and belting it out. Let me just say, our harmonies kinda blended well.

Suddenly, he brings  up the topic I was dreading on.

"So, to answer your question regarding homecoming..." he begins as I look at him with big doe eyes, "I will go with you." I smile but he continues, "But we should only go as friends. I don't have any romantic interest towards you but you're a good friend. So yes, I'll go to homecoming with you."

I was still smiling and then I told him, "Cool. I mean, I asked you to homecoming as friends so yeah, let's just go as friends."

"Also," he adds, "We don't have to do the whole mum and garter thing. Let's just keep it casual. I don't want you to stress too much on finding me the 'perfect' garter or something." Aww! He's aware of my anxiety and he doesn't even want to stress me out even more because I have to deal with getting straight A's and college prep. No, wait! He just want to keep it casual because we're just friends. Okay then...Reality check, Jo.

"That would be cool." I said as we smile at each other. Then, a car unexpectedly stops in front of us, causing for Quentin to hit the brake pedal as hard as he could. I hold on to my seatbelt as we almost crash into the car. Then, I start  hyperventilating thanks to my anxiety. From my peripheral vision, I see Quentin flip the bird at the idiot who suddenly stopped in the middle of the highway and he continues to drive. Shit! He just witnessed one of my anxiety attacks.

"Are you okay?" he asks with concern.

"I'm fine." I said as I try to recover.

"Do you want me to stop?" he says as he gives me a worried look.

"No, just keep driving."

And so he did. For a few minutes, we didn't talk as I recover from my anxiety attack.

"I'm sorry. I panicked. I-"

"Don't apologize. That was kinda my fault. I should've paid attention to the road."





Impulsively, I broke the ice and ask, "Quentin, do you think I have a crush on you?"

He chuckles, "Well, yeah... And it's fine that you do."

I suddenly shift to his direction, "Why?" I ask a little too defensively. "Why would you think that I do? Is it because I asked you to homecoming?"

"That and you're always nervous when I'm around."

"Well, that's because I'm a shy person. I'm awkward around people."

"But it's fine that you have a crush on me." he says as he tries to hide his laughter.

"But I don't have a crush on you."

"But it's fine if you do. After all, I know I'm an attractive per-"

"Shut up, Quentin!" I said as try to sound angry; instead I started laughing and he joins along.

He kept on driving and we hit a dip that we usually hit when we get lunch off-campus and I make that little noise and he chuckles.

"Hold on, we're about to make a sharp turn." He warns as I pray silently, "Dear God, this is not the day I die."

All of a sudden, he actually does make a sharp turn that almost hit the island. I grab on the safety handle with fear for my dear life.

"What the hell, Quentin?" I scream.

"I told you we were taking a sharp turn." he says, "And you need to relax, Jo."

"We almost died, you idiot!" I said as I try to suppress my anger.

"Jo, just remember that we can die any moment right now. We could've died if we hit that island. We could also die because of a drive by in the parking-"

"How would we be a part of a drive-by?"

"Well, it could just happen because of bad timing. Also, this car can explode right this second and kill us instantly."

"Wait, did you check the engine of your car?"

"Jo, I'm using examples to make a point. We can die any moment right now. So just relax, Jo."

I glare at him and he tauntingly says, "I hope that helps."

"No it doesn't" Ugh! I want to punch him right now... Then maybe kiss him. Wait, what?

"You're lucky I still ride with you for off-campus lunch. We've had a few near-death experiences in this purple Pontiac yet I still trust you to take the wheel."

"Well, it's because I'm a good driver." he scoffs.

"But not a safe one. You wear earphones while you drive-"

"I just wear one earbud and it's not illegal." He interjects.

"I'm not finished." I said in a mockingly stern voice, "You leave your wallet next to your feet, which are where the pedals are after we get food from a drive-thru. And my mom said that you shouldn't have any objects near the pedal."

Before he can interject again, I continue my rant, "And a few days ago, you just cut an incoming truck that was ten feet away from us. I mean like, what the hell?"

He gives me a quick look, playfully smiles, then says, "Here, you drive." In a flash, he lets go of the wheel for about two seconds as he lets the car swerve a little. I held on my seat belt because a) he let go of the wheel and b) we almost crashed (for the second time today) into another island.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I exclaimed as he laughs.  Ugh! At least we arrive to school safe...

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