Parking Lot

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"Well, you're no fun." Quentin says teasingly as we pull into the school parking lot.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to die, Quentin." I tell him.

"You see, you're pretty mortal Jo. You can die anytime."

Of course, I didn't relax but I did say, "Do you mean by pretty mortal that I'm a pretty mortal?" as I rapidly blink my eyes (my grandma calls that flirty move "beautiful eyes").

"Well, you're pretty mortal cause you can die anytime." He soothingly says as he grins. Ha! He didn't deny that I'm a pretty mortal...

"Whatever." I flatly say as I roll my eyes.

As we park in his parking spot, I thank him for taking me to get kolaches.

"No problem." He smiles, "But you need to relax, okay?"

"Wait, are you saying I'm uptight?"

"Well you see, you know what an accountant is right?"

"Yeah." My knowledge on accountants are that they have a strict routine 9-5. All they do in their life is wake up, drive to work, arrive at work, type stuff in a computer, talk to people in a monotone voice, then go home. Everyday, they wear suits and flat shoes. And they're either strictly single or in a sexless marriage. In short, they are very boring and uptight.

"Well Jo, you're more uptight than an accountant.

I glare and at him and say, "I am not that uptight."

"Yeah you are!" he counters.

"No, I'm not."



"Anyways, at least I'm not as wild as you." I say playfully.

"I'm not that wild."

"Compared to me, yeah you are." I say a little too angrily.

He sighs as he takes off his seat belt and lean towards me. Then, we were staring at each other as I noticed his brown eyes were a little dilated.





Finally, Quentin breaks the ice.

"Just loosen up, okay? Quit being so uptight." he says with a reassuring smile.

I smirk and tell him, "Well, teach me how to loosen up." as I take off my seat belt. 

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