1. I'm Back!

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You didn't know what to think when you got a phone call for the first time in years. You didn't know how, but you had been drugged and went into some sort of cold sleep for almost 40 years. Well, you could mourn your parents, and maybe your siblings and friends later.

All you cared about was the person who was calling you. Wasn't your phone version, like, ancient by now?

"Hello?" You answered, picking it up. You heard a small shuffling on the other side, then an all-too-familiar laugh.

"Yo, [First Name]! I didn't even think you'd be alive anymore!" Your eyes widened as you recognized the voice to be that of your very loved, old gang boss, Jet Link.

"Jet!" You said, surprised, and there was chuckling on the other end.

"It's been a while! Wow, how old are you by now?" You let out an aggravated sigh and crossed your free arm.

"Dude, it's been this long and the first thing you ask me is how old I am?" You asked, unimpressed. There was an unfamiliar chuckling in the background.

"Oh, shut up 004," Jet grumbled, and you raised a brow.

"004? What, is that the name of a new friend?" You asked, looking at the cloudy skies.

"Uh...I guess you could call him that."

"Wait, Jet, to answer your question, I'm still 19. What, did you think I was a granny?" You said sarcastically. "Yeah, before you even ask, what year is it?"

There was silence on the other end before there was shuffling, and a faint shouting match. "Hey, who is this?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"Uh...who are you? Oh, wait, you're 004 right? Jet's kind of friend?" There was a small chuckle before the faint sound of running and '002 let me talk for two damn minutes!'

"Yeah, but who are you?" He asked.

"I'm [Full Name]. I was part of Jet's old gang, but I'm a mechanic now," you explained. A loud shuffling.

"[First Name], don't just say that!" Jet shouted, making you wince. "Okay, geez dude, sorry," you said.

" 'Dude?' " The sound of 004's voice reached your ears. "That's an American thing, right?"

"Well, yeah. Wait, Jet, where the hell are you?"

"Uh...not somewhere you'd know. Wait, you asked what year this is?! And how are you still 19?!" Jet demanded, making you since again.

"So loud...quiet down a little...meditate more," you joked lightly. You heard a few laughs in the background as Jet groaned.

"SERIOUSLY, [First Name]. Answer. The. Question." You thought for a moment.

"Well, after you mysteriously disappeared, I quit the gang and took up a job as a mechanic. I don't know; I was working on fixing a car when someone drugged me or something, I fell asleep, woke up in a lab or something, and now I'm back here with skyscapers everywhere...like, what year am I in?!"

"You're 40 years in the future from what we remember," Jet explained, and you raised a brow.

"I know that. What year is it?"


"Wait..." Realization hit me. "How the hell did YOU survive?"

"...This will take a while to explain."


"Okay, I think I get it," you muttered. "You're a cyborg now."


"You can fly."


"And you beat this guy named Black Ghost to save everyone from another World War."


"You have other cyborg friends."


"Okay...I get it," you repeated, sitting down. "But then, does that mean I'm a cyborg too, or no?"

"Well, you'll have to wait until we can get there until we can see," Dr. Gilmore said, and you sighed, rubbing your temples.

"Let's leave her be for now - she's probably still getting it all into her system," 004 stated, and you smiled.

"Yeah, I can call you guys back later...and I need to get a new phone."

"See ya later, [First Name]." Jet said, and you hummed before hanging up. You stared at your phone before groaning and falling backwards.

"Too much to take in..."


"So, who is she specifically?" 004 asked Jet, or 002 as he hung up his phone. The flying cyborg let out a rare, genuine smile.

"Well, I used to live a thug life," he admitted, and threw the phone up and caught it. "I was the leader of a gang, and she was one of the first to join since she was a homeless kid. We became quick friends, and we gained each others' trust. I don't really know much about her personal life other than she knows a lot for someone who's been living off the streets for all her life."

Cyborg 009's eyes softened slightly.

"The time I was fighting before Black Ghost came, she acted as decoy and I stupidly walked into Black Ghost's hands. I guess she got out and got a good job as a mechanic," Jet shrugged.

"Well, that's a first," 004 said, amusement laced in his voice. "Huh? What's a first?"

"You trusting someone."

"Why you, I oughta--" The hazel/orange haired cyborg was held back by 005.

The others laughed at the scene, and you coughed, causing you to drop the wrench you were holding. "Wow...must be catching a cold..."

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