Later, they explore the school...
Cryst: ok guys, find where's the secret way out of here....
Scynthea: OK!
Bob: this place is suspicious.....
Philie: why they planted tree inside?
Skeamatre: its a fake plant...Philie....
Lars: Scynthea! Look there's a hole!
Scynthea: hmmm...its a crack....I think....
Lars: it has a note in it!
Scynthea: guys! Look there's a note....
Cryst: what is it?....
Lars: it saids "I'm here to help you....from my friend Ceilia"
Bob: Hey! Where are you?! We need heeeeelp!
Skeamatre: hey! I think I saw her there....
Cryst: let's go meet her!While, they are following the girl....the girl go to a room. And they entered it....they lost the girl. They tried to go out but not!
(Celia): FOOLS!!!
Bob: wait! You trick us!!!!
(Ceilia): doesn't look like?....
Philie: Ahhhhhh!!!!
Cryst: OK guys,be quiet.....I will talk to her.....
Scynthea: .....
Lars: I'm always in your side Scynthea....
Scynthea: okay....
Bob: hey....want bacon....
Philie: Noooo!!!
Cryst: tell us! Who is it???
Cryst: You mean.....Heldegard?
(Ceilia): yes.......
Philie: But I thought....she's at jail....
Cryst: she murdered you.......why did she kill you???
(Ceilia): She thought I was with you.....
Philie: But why are you still alive???
Scynthea: why are you haunting us??
Skeamatre: why did you call us fools?
Lars: why you're so mean?
Bob: why you're not eating Bacons????
Cryst: Noooo!
Jolie: Stop! Don't kill them!
(Ceilia): Jolie? I thought you're with Arciella,Marianne,Kyoku???
Jolie: I don't choose to go to with them....I know that this is a evil group! EVIL!
Philie: Jolie?! Are you one of them?
Jolie: Yeah...but I quit...
(Ceilia): so you choose to die with them? Then it's your choice!The room is shaking with blood coming out....the room is getting smaller and smaller...they will get squeeze
Bob: I don't wanna be dead! I will miss you bacons!
Philie: Me four!
Lars: I'll die if you die Scynthea!
Cryst: If this is the end...I'll remember you guys....
Scynthea: okay.....Skeamatre! You're my best friend of all time!.....even Heldegard!
Skeamatre: I'll miss you all!
Jolie: why are you talking like that? This is not the end?
Cryst: huh? Why?
Jolie: I will open the door for you guys!
Lars: but there's no use! You can't open that!
Jolie: there's a way! Duh!
Bob: then what is it???
Jolie: DEATH! *get the knife and stab herself*
Philie: •∆•The room stop shaking and all of the doors opened....
Cryst: let's go guys!
Bob: ahh!!!!!!!
Philie: ......
Scynthea: that was so crazy!
Skeamatre: Can we go now!
Lars: yeah! Let's go now
Bob: wait! So we did not go to school???
Cryst: this is school!
Philie: no, its a mansion....
Cryst: whatever! Let's go!
Scynthea: ok....While they are going home, Skeamatre look back and saw Ceilia and Jolie. Jolie is saying goodbye to her....
The End
Tokyo Psycho
RandomThe Friend of Phil,Lars and Bob, Heldegard was gone crazy after Cryst was forced to spread the news About Heldegard for murdering a teacher After that, Heldegard was arrested by the polices Then they move to Tokyo to forget her Actors & Actresses: C...