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Later, they explore the school...

Cryst: ok guys, find where's the secret way out of here....
Scynthea: OK!
Bob: this place is suspicious.....
Philie: why they planted tree inside?
Skeamatre: its a fake plant...Philie....
Lars: Scynthea! Look there's a hole!
Scynthea: hmmm...its a crack....I think....
Lars: it has a note in it!
Scynthea: guys! Look there's a note....
Cryst: what is it?....
Lars: it saids "I'm here to help you....from my friend Ceilia"
Bob: Hey! Where are you?! We need heeeeelp!
Skeamatre: hey! I think I saw her there....
Cryst: let's go meet her!

While, they are following the girl....the girl go to a room. And they entered it....they lost the girl. They tried to go out but not!

(Celia): FOOLS!!!
Bob: wait! You trick us!!!!
(Ceilia): doesn't look like?....
Philie: Ahhhhhh!!!!
Cryst: OK guys,be quiet.....I will talk to her.....
Scynthea: .....
Lars: I'm always in your side Scynthea....
Scynthea: okay....
Bob: hey....want bacon....
Philie: Noooo!!!
Cryst: tell us! Who is it???
Cryst: You mean.....Heldegard?
(Ceilia): yes.......
Philie: But I thought....she's at jail....
Cryst: she murdered you.......why did she kill you???
(Ceilia): She thought I was with you.....
Philie: But why are you still alive???
Scynthea: why are you haunting us??
Skeamatre: why did you call us fools?
Lars: why you're so mean?
Bob: why you're not eating Bacons????
Cryst: Noooo!
Jolie: Stop! Don't kill them!
(Ceilia): Jolie? I thought you're with Arciella,Marianne,Kyoku???
Jolie: I don't choose to go to with them....I know that this is a evil group! EVIL!
Philie: Jolie?! Are you one of them?
Jolie: Yeah...but I quit...
(Ceilia): so you choose to die with them? Then it's your choice!

The room is shaking with blood coming out....the room is getting smaller and smaller...they will get squeeze

Bob: I don't wanna be dead! I will miss you bacons!
Philie: Me four!
Lars: I'll die if you die Scynthea!
Cryst: If this is the end...I'll remember you guys....
Scynthea: okay.....Skeamatre! You're my best friend of all time!.....even Heldegard!
Skeamatre: I'll miss you all!
Jolie: why are you talking like that? This is not the end?
Cryst: huh? Why?
Jolie: I will open the door for you guys!
Lars: but there's no use! You can't open that!
Jolie: there's a way! Duh!
Bob: then what is it???
Jolie: DEATH! *get the knife and stab herself*
Philie: •∆•

The room stop shaking and all of the doors opened....

Cryst: let's go guys!
Bob: ahh!!!!!!!
Philie: ......
Scynthea: that was so crazy!
Skeamatre: Can we go now!
Lars: yeah! Let's go now
Bob: wait! So we did not go to school???
Cryst: this is school!
Philie: no, its a mansion....
Cryst: whatever! Let's go!
Scynthea: ok....

While they are going home, Skeamatre look back and saw Ceilia and Jolie. Jolie is saying goodbye to her....

The End

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