
25 1 11

Later, Jin say goodbye to them
And go to his car...he called Lars and Bob to talk to them
For a minute

Jin: hey...that was almost..
Lars: good thing, Philie cannot explain
Bob: hey, let's just keep it on secret
Jin: okay...
Lars: but we promise that we won't tell to someone...
Jin: Thanks bro...
Lars: No prob...
Bob: I might go up now because they are eating bacons...
Lars: yeah, we should probably go up now...maybe someone is around here listen to us...
Jin: goodbye..
Lars: See 'ya!
Bob: don't forget to eat some bacons!
Scynthea: hey, what are you guys talking about?
Lars: its just a....a.....BIRD!
Bob: yeah! It got on my bacon and take it away!
Scynthea: Jin, saw it too?
Lars: yeah! He was right front of us...and he always look at Cryst
Bob: wait what?
Lars: while we are having a conversation...I think he remembers someone...
Bob: shouldn't be the girl who was giving him the love letters?
Lars: He didn't see her face yet....I think he's in love...
Bob: to who?
Scynthea: Cryst?
Lars and Bob: ......
Bob: let's just go up now!

When they go up, Philie was teaching Cryst

Philie: Circumstances!
Cryst: Sirkumstanses
Philie: oh. There's no chance
Cryst: Philie!
Philie: :D
Skeamatre: say Skeamatre!
Cryst: Skeamatre! Fun! T....thank you..!
Philie: she's learning!
Lars: so what are you doing?
Scynthea: guys are teaching her?
Bob: say bacons...
Cryst: ...b...Bacons! Guys....I...I wanted to....t...tell something...
Scynthea: what?
Cryst: who's the guy who come here?
Scynthea: Lars...
Cryst: No! The other one!
Scynthea: Bob?
Cryst: no! No!
Scynthea: uh....Jin?
Cryst: Yeah!
Scynthea: why?
Cryst: I....I...wanted to say something to him...
Philie: wait! Wait! How many is this?
Cryst: 21!
Cryst: go back to what were talking about!
Scynthea: so you're in love to him????!!!!
Cryst: how do you know?! I mean....U dunno
Lars: what the heck?
Bob: OH MY GLOB!!!!
Cryst: I'm sorry...
Skeamatre: wait! I don't understand! You were lying the whole time?!
Cryst: no....I'm seriously dumb....
Lars: let's just sleep now!

Next day, Cryst can walk and run now
So they go home to their apartment

Cryst: ......(someone knocked)
Skeamatre: who's there?
Jin: its me, Jin!
Cryst: what?!
Jin: wait! She can talk now!?
Skeamatre: yeah....
Cryst: .......
Skeamatre: wanna come in?
Cryst: no....
Jin: I just want to see her....
Skeamatre: that's a yes!
Jin: where's Cryst?
Cryst: over here...
Jin: you can talk now?
Cryst: yeah...
Jin: well that's awesome!
Cryst: yeah...
Jin: wanna go somewhere...
Cryst: nah...I'm okay
Jin: I'll just bring you a bacon,skittles and an apple...
Skeamatre: can you buy me some skittles too?
Jin: sure...
Cryst: I'll just go with you!
Jin: that's great!
Skeamatre: you're so sweet together!
Jin: ...uh, bye....

Later, they go to the carnival and win some prizes
Jin gave a big apple stuff toy to Cryst...

Cryst: Hey..
Jin: what?
Cryst: ....thank you

The End

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