Chapter 1- The first chapter

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'Another boring day,' the hotel regstration desk employee thought to herself. 'Every day, it's tourists. In and out, and in and out again.' Days like this seemed to take forever to pass. She had to sit, waiting for someone to break the agonizing silence. Deciding whether or not she should play a computer game to pass the time, the familiar sound of the hotel's doorbell rang through her ears. She said almost automatically, "Hello, welcome to Alo-Ha-Nalulu Hotel. What can I do for you?"

"Hmm, yes, my coleague and I need a room for three days please."

"Of course." She quickly got a room key from the wall behind the desk and led the two to their room. It was a little strange though, one was a sea otter, and the other an octopus! "I hope you don't mind me asking, what brings you here to the islands?" The octopus answered,

"Oh, I don't mind at all. We're doing some research here in Hawaii for our crew, the Octonauts. "

"The��.. Octonauts?" What in the world were Octonauts?

"The Octonauts are an elite group of under- sea explorers. Our job is to explore, rescue, and protect the oceans of the world."

"Isn't that difficult? I mean, is it just you two?" After hearing this, the dumbo octopus couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh my no.. Right now there are seven of us." She was still a little confused about how seven people are going to help the entire ocean, but seeing as they had arrived at the room, she didn't continue on with the subject any further.

"Well, here we are sir." She put the key in the keyhole and twisted it until she heard the satisfying, 'click,' that signaled it was unlocked. "Your room.." Then she opened the door, revealing a large room with a blue armchair, and two blue beds. At the far side of the room was a large window with red curtains. The wall paper was also a dark blue, with a golden flower accent. She heard the otter's gasp when he saw how elaborate the room was.

"This is wonderful! Thank you so much." The octopus said, then he and his coworker went inside, leaving the employee to herself. Although, the dashound didn't mind being alone. It provided more time to think and reflect on things.


Shellington was excited. He and the professor were going to Hawaii! Even though he knew the trip was strictly for buisiness, he still got excited. Once they had arrived in Honalulu, he and Inkling headed off towards a nearby hotel.

"If we are going to be here for three days," Inkling started, "then we'll need a place to sleep."

"Okay. I wonder if the people here are nice.." Suddenly a tentacle patted his back.

"Don't worry, i'm positive everyone here will be kind." He nodded and they walked on, until they had reached the hotel. Shellington was amused by the name. 'Great pun Hawaii..' He thought to himself.

Once they were inside and the little doorbell had rang, he took a moment to study this place. It's a nice hotel, not what he was expecting. The walls are painted a burgandy, but the ceiling was goldenrod. He was just about to look around some more, when the registration lady spoke,

"Hello, welcome to Alo-Ha-Nalulu hotel. What can I do for you?" Inkling replied while Shellington continued to marvel at the main room.

"Hmm, yes. My coleague and I need a room for three days please."

"Of course." He watched her take a room key from the wall behind her. 'That's a bit.. Traditional..' He thought.

They walked through a hall, up a huge staircase, and through another hall. All the while she and Inkling were talking. He didn't know what about, he wasn't paying attention.

"Well, here we are sir." They watched her unlock and open the door. "Your room.." As they went inside he gasped. This hotel is way fancier than he thought. After she left, Shellington started investigating their room. There was an armchair for the Professor, two beds, a desk, and a big window with red cashmere drapes. The walls were a deep blue as well, and had a golden rose accent. The carpet, however, was red like the curtains.

"This truly is a magnificent room." Inkling stated, while already in the armchair.

"Yes, I agree." The otter replied.

About ten minutes or so after they unpacked their things, the two decided to 'hit the hay'. In the bed closest to the window was Shellington. He knew Inkling had always preferred being farthur away from windows, he didn't like the noise coming from the streets below.

Sighing contentfully, Shellington pondered in his bed about their day as a whole. It was a good one. He yawned, and then drifted into sleep.


Coming back down the stairs, she glanced at a nearby clock. 'Eleven thirty, finally! My shift's over.' Upon reaching her desk, she quickly grabbed her coat and bag. Before two minutes more had passed, she was out the door and on her way home.

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